How often will the MRT be?
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2003-06-21 13:04

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As not all goin Changi, some goin pasir ris as well

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从NUS到Changi airport有bus可坐吗? 願い   (0 bytes , 801reads )
你可以这样... 水彩   (83 bytes , 284reads )
10->24 海风   (16 bytes , 231reads )
Slightly faster: Flying   (166 bytes , 282reads )
How often will the MRT be? 願い   (51 bytes , 355reads )
Not as frequent as those going to Pasir Ris. Flying   (80 bytes , 237reads )
带行李箱可以搭MRT或bus吗? notpen   (0 bytes , 295reads )
可以, 但是MRT有行李大小的规定限制。 小黑鸟   (38 bytes , 263reads )
thank you for ur info :) 願い   (0 bytes , 306reads )
MRT直达,为什么要坐bus那么慢 格格   (0 bytes , 215reads )