Don't think it is cable modem's problem.
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2003-05-18 22:59  评分:

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I encountered this problem multiple times some time back. I checked with an SCV technician, and it seems it is due to some instability in the shared coaxial cable medium. Anyway, rebooting the cable modem will almost solve the problem for sure, so not really a big deal.

Flying @way 吳穎暉
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sth about cable modem superhard   (224 bytes , 533reads )
I know this problem. [Red]NaDa   (191 bytes , 322reads )
Don't think it is cable modem's problem. Flying   (270 bytes , 269reads )
这个毛病我也听说过,谁知道怎么解决? Lium   (0 bytes , 190reads )