所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2025-02-01 19:34  更多评分:

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"Managers and engineers from Meta’s generative AI group and infrastructure team have started four war rooms to learn how DeepSeek works. Two of the mobilized
groups are trying to understand how High-Flyer lowered the cost of training and running DeepSeek. Meta wants to apply those techniques, a number of which a
technical paper from High-Flyer outlined, to Llama, one of the employees said. ...

A third Meta research group is trying to figure out what data High-Flyer might have used to train its models, according to one of the employees with direct

The fourth war room is considering new techniques for restructuring Meta’s models based on attributes of the DeepSeek models, they said. Meta is considering
launching a version of Llama that, like DeepSeek, would include numerous AI models, each trained to handle different tasks. That way, when a customer asks Llama
to handle a certain task, only some parts of the model would need to work on it. That could make the overall model faster and require less computing power to

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【少儿不宜】没人聊聊星际之门和deepseek? 多此一举   (83 bytes , 5708reads )
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基本横扫各大ai巨头了 萧武达   (176 bytes , 14reads )
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和硬件捆绑是玩玩?一旦有问题,谁负责 萧武达   (190 bytes , 20reads )
有问题当然是用户自己负责 54qnian   (86 bytes , 15reads )
Tim cook 萧武达   (201 bytes , 16reads )
Apple store 萧武达   (82 bytes , 17reads )
。。 萧武达   (105 bytes , 17reads )
。。。 萧武达   (111 bytes , 20reads )
big tech rushes。。。。 萧武达   (48 bytes , 15reads )
最新:Open-R1复现(reproductions)DeepSeek-R1 萧武达   (608 bytes , 16reads )
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附上教程 54qnian   (52 bytes , 23reads )
现在从你的文字 多此一举   (22 bytes , 13reads )
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忘了链接 萧武达   (118 bytes , 13reads )
meta react 萧武达   (68 bytes , 16reads )
亚麻 萧武达   (142 bytes , 13reads )
女大 萧武达   (59 bytes , 13reads )
Deep Seek 究竟怎么样,需要时间来检验,作为普通人没有资格评价 subway2012   (60 bytes , 37reads )
你看得起吗? 多此一举   (26 bytes , 16reads )
这个说得咋样? 多此一举   (51 bytes , 27reads )
2015年 Blzrd   (48 bytes , 15reads )
英文取名这么贫乏 萧武达   (32 bytes , 21reads )
这是传统 多此一举   (30 bytes , 15reads )
140人的公司,一年遥遥领先 乌贼的马甲   (24 bytes , 20reads )
Deepseek的利益何在? 多此一举   (223 bytes , 21reads )
忘了人家本行了,推出前买些英伟达和纳值空单,年终奖妥妥地 口水   (18 bytes , 21reads )
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春晚 Blzrd   (37 bytes , 14reads )
好奇,能扭秧歌的机器人 54qnian   (67 bytes , 20reads )
听说吧, Blzrd   (27 bytes , 15reads )
就会后空翻? 多此一举   (42 bytes , 15reads )
嗯,专业 Blzrd   (31 bytes , 17reads )
前几年就听说有人型机器人 多此一举   (82 bytes , 14reads )
所以人型机器人 Blzrd   (17 bytes , 14reads )
春晚那堆是机器狗吧? 多此一举   (12 bytes , 15reads )
判断人或畜生不能只看生物性 juzi   (58 bytes , 14reads )
回家找你爹啊 多此一举   (12 bytes , 30reads )
呵呵,不会吃狗粮和摇尾巴的狗子 juzi   (142 bytes , 11reads )
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你大概不熟悉IT界 多此一举   (205 bytes , 18reads )
你又错了 juzi   (42 bytes , 17reads )
机器人是 多此一举   (14 bytes , 15reads )
对呀 多此一举   (10 bytes , 14reads )
有没有人昨晚 多此一举   (10 bytes , 21reads )
还得发酵几天 54qnian   (22 bytes , 21reads )
反弹到半山腰 多此一举   (10 bytes , 14reads )
又来了, scorpiohost   (78 bytes , 31reads )
Twitter上有人贴 多此一举   (33 bytes , 12reads )
挺神奇的, scorpiohost   (130 bytes , 29reads )
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H800跟H100 相比某些指标是缩水了 54qnian   (361 bytes , 27reads )
神州不缺神奇事 多此一举   (39 bytes , 27reads )
感觉今年叙事风格变了 匿名小ID   (18 bytes , 21reads )
叙事风格有什么变化? 多此一举   (126 bytes , 20reads )
转自推特某投资大佬 匿名小ID   (99 bytes , 32reads )
呵呵 多此一举   (2 bytes , 24reads )
个人感觉 匿名小ID   (69 bytes , 25reads )
从一个做过5G研究的研究者角度告诉你,5G几乎没什么用。。技术突破也很小 柳絮儿轻轻的飘   (34 bytes , 9reads )
AI靠算力走错了路 多此一举   (60 bytes , 18reads )
便宜又量足 多此一举   (14 bytes , 25reads )
这周 Blzrd   (27 bytes , 20reads )
中国深度求索发布廉价大模型 性能比肩美OpenAI最新模型 多此一举   (78 bytes , 19reads )
中国制造把AI 打成白菜价 54qnian   (35 bytes , 30reads )
赔本赚吆? 多此一举   (32 bytes , 20reads )
deepseek没有找到 鸡兔同笼01   (103 bytes , 46reads )
如果可以随意获得数据, 鸡兔同笼01   (16 bytes , 28reads )
为什么 多此一举   (20 bytes , 34reads )