所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2024-12-29 18:34  更多评分:

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银行让填写resolution form
金额超过一千 且过了几个月我才看到

所以现在每个月要看账单。 及时发现 及时dispute

一般都能recover . 因为信用卡也不是借记卡。 本来就可以撤回的。

This occurs when someone uses your card to make an unauthorised online, telephone order or mail order purchase. You should immediately report this to your card-issuing bank and ask that it blocks your card account to avoid further fraudulent usage.

The card-issuing bank may require you to complete a dispute resolution form. Thereafter, the card-issuing bank would perform a chargeback of the disputed transaction(s) to the merchant. In most instances, the banks will provide you with a temporary credit or refund the disputed transactions so that your spending balance is not affected. Upon full resolution of the investigation and chargeback, the bank will notify you if there are changes to the outcome.


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
信用卡刚刚被盗刷 omyga   (233 bytes , 2071reads )
警察在努力办了 omyga   (105 bytes , 9reads )
盗用信用卡 echo77   (18 bytes , 9reads )
建议主要找警察 小土   (225 bytes , 17reads )
你这个给的信息很具体 omyga   (41 bytes , 12reads )
警察出面 小土   (95 bytes , 10reads )
盗刷一般都可以追回来的,因为签名肯定是假的, qingni2   (162 bytes , 16reads )
正解, echo77   (74 bytes , 14reads )
谢谢学到了 omyga   (84 bytes , 13reads )
直接報警 KC33333   (45 bytes , 16reads )
理想是丰满的 omyga   (25 bytes , 14reads )
但报案是需要的。 echo77   (50 bytes , 11reads )
我以前有这么做过 echo77   (156 bytes , 13reads )
你当时盗刷金额是多少 omyga   (42 bytes , 10reads )
不多 差不多4百 echo77   (146 bytes , 13reads )
400 判半年,确实打击力度大 omyga   (35 bytes , 8reads )
和钱多少没有很大的关系 echo77   (268 bytes , 11reads )
是啊 omyga   (26 bytes , 8reads )
对信用卡犯罪的大力力度一直很大, qingni2   (312 bytes , 8reads )
我的是被盗刷过 小土   (886 bytes , 9reads )
我多说一句 大好人   (188 bytes , 8reads )
好奇,啥地方有需要用满额度的地方? qingni2   (109 bytes , 8reads )
如果这个满额 大好人   (40 bytes , 8reads )
我也是刚刚被盗刷 MichelleYS   (12 bytes , 13reads )
追回了吗 omyga   (0 bytes , 10reads )
应该是可以的 echo77   (118 bytes , 15reads )
正解 NoGrabTaxi   (32 bytes , 12reads )
你先等等看吧,哪家银行的卡? 我就是俠痞   (0 bytes , 10reads )
citi omyga   (16 bytes , 11reads )