所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2024-08-26 10:29

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真希望有dexter 那种的人






以前居然包容, 那妻子慢性毒死丈夫或者不致死只是让其中毒是否也可以赦免。


这是刑事责任 不是民事责任


且应该相互的, 同性之间,妻子对丈夫也不可以。


There is also an offence of ‘sexual assault involving penetration’ (s376, Penal Code) which deals with other kinds of sexual penetration without consent (e.g. oral, anal, penetration of the vagina by fingers or an object). The penalties are the same as for the offence of rape. S376 also covers cases where a woman penetrates her husband (e.g. with fingers or an object) without his consent, and cases where a woman forces her husband to penetrate her with his penis.


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