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Average Net Worth (Wealth) in Singapore: Statistics [2023] (smartwealth.sg) 

  • The average debt per adult is S$73,618
  • The average mean and median net worth per adult in Singapore is S$483,575 and S$125,729, respectively
  • There are 298,650 millionaires in Singapore, of which 73 have more than half US$1 billion
  • 297,033 adults are considered high-net-worth individuals (having between US$1 million to US$50 million) and 1,617 adults are considered ultra-high-net-worth individuals (having more than US$50 million)
  • 16% of the adult population (or 790,000 adults) in Singapore have less than S$13,500 of wealth




该帖荣获当日十大第4,奖励楼主12分以及18华新币,时间:2024-01-14 22:00:01。

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