所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2023-03-10 16:31

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DBS?extensive distribution network straddles across all customer contact points, including branches, ATMs, call centers, cash acceptance machines, and internet banking. DBS has 87 branches in Singapore, 75 branches in Hong Kong, and 62 branches in Thailand. In Singapore, DBS has a proprietary selfservice banking network that has 1,000 electronic terminals around the country. DBS also has almost 420,000 online customers.


QFB???? 这玩意儿你全岛最多开10个branch, 15 ATM,就算可以用网上银行部分代替branch,卡ATM的数量纯粹就是灭了你的念头了。

阿里还谈什么技术?那一套玩意儿都是跟美国爸爸学的,控制媒体,搞SCMP,控微博,打压竞争者,老实说新加坡看不上阿里的任何软硬件技术。蚂蚁来了给了个wholebank license,没存款搞个鸟银行业务?




我早就说森林李该全盘押宝新加坡,把控股权让渡给淡马锡,然后争取换一个local bank full banking license,森林李就算股份掉一半,身价至少翻倍。

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