所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2021-07-23 19:35

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From the very start of this pandemic, addressing COVID-19 has been a top priority for CureVac.

Our mRNA technology instructs the human body to activate its own defense mechanism. To do that, we use messenger RNA (mRNA) that encodes the instruction manual cells needed to produce a specific protein. For our COVID-19 vaccine candidate, CVnCoV, we programmed the mRNA to serve as the instruction manual for the production of the spike protein, a key protein for the COVID-19 vaccine development. After receiving the vaccine, the body recognizes the protein as something potentially hostile and activates the immune system to produce antibodies and T cells to fight against it. In this way, we mimic the natural viral infection and activate the body’s defense system.

Our technology is characterized by:

Use of unmodified, natural mRNA
This allows for improved induction of the viral defenses of the body, including interferon type 1.

Ability to induce immune responses at low mRNA doses
Due to targeted mRNA optimization, our vaccine is able to induce high levels of protein production within the cells.

Induction of an immune response comparable to a natural COVID-19 infection
In the Phase 1 clinical trial, antibody responses in vaccinated participants were found to be comparable to the antibody response detected in recovered COVID-19 patients.

Improved temperature stability for standard cold chain logistics
CVnCoV remains stable and within defined specifications for at least three months when stored at a standard refrigerator temperature of +5°C (+41°F) and for up to 24 hours as ready-to-use vaccine when stored at room temperature. -最下方有视频,帮助理解mRNA

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何晶官宣 就算通过HSA审核 不能改变科兴不够有效的事实 1743sg   (26 bytes , 5961reads )
实践是检验的唯一标准, lgland   (355 bytes , 9reads )
实际上原来按照95%的保护率算, lgland   (105 bytes , 11reads )
为了保经济,也可以牺牲一下小孩,没稳定的疫苗也照样赶鸭子上架的打吧 andy99   (47 bytes , 11reads )
钱的优先级应该是低于命的 qingni2   (120 bytes , 11reads )
何晶的说法,没有回答一个问题 qingni2   (197 bytes , 14reads )
科普不了的,抗体只是最容易测的一个指标,不能完全代表人的免疫功能。 redspider2   (113 bytes , 11reads )
其实可以了解一下体液免疫和细胞免疫 明镜严   (94 bytes , 15reads )
了解特别深入的话 lilybaby2003   (227 bytes , 15reads )
核心的问题是 明镜严   (89 bytes , 9reads )
完全同意这个说法 明镜严   (607 bytes , 8reads )
您码那么多字,那就 Blzrd   (30 bytes , 11reads )
不码多点字,怎么说清楚 明镜严   (75 bytes , 14reads )
呵呵,俺重友情和人际关系 明镜严   (36 bytes , 11reads )
哎呀,好吧, Blzrd   (14 bytes , 10reads )
你是够拼的了,看到好多次自己回复自己的帖子。 qingni2   (116 bytes , 10reads )
其实这个是想回51楼 明镜严   (65 bytes , 11reads )
没想说服谁 明镜严   (389 bytes , 8reads )
每个人的倾向, Blzrd   (35 bytes , 9reads )
大部分人没那么多心思像你一样研究那么深 andy99   (104 bytes , 12reads )
目前所看到的数据 明镜严   (250 bytes , 9reads )
刚看到一篇文章, Blzrd   (94 bytes , 13reads )
这个问道点子, lgland   (70 bytes , 20reads )
所以咯,要看抗体是针对啥变种对吧 Blzrd   (40 bytes , 11reads )
如果抗体和检测的抗原严格一一对应, lgland   (79 bytes , 8reads )
俺用脚趾头想了一下, Blzrd   (202 bytes , 10reads )
我觉得你的脚趾头很腻害 hongmong   (34 bytes , 10reads )
err, 俺确实拼命动了这个脚趾头,还google Blzrd   (17 bytes , 9reads )
Google不到位 明镜严   (60 bytes , 11reads )
同意啊 明镜严   (0 bytes , 11reads )
这个再解释一下 明镜严   (341 bytes , 11reads )
看看美国流感 dera   (443 bytes , 14reads )
不用看流感,就看新冠吧 mltt   (104 bytes , 11reads )
运输问题,一定会解决 明镜严   (136 bytes , 11reads )
Technology 明镜严   (1719 bytes , 12reads )
mRNA是第一次用于疫苗 明镜严   (10 bytes , 11reads )
了解一下mRNA的原理好了 明镜严   (80 bytes , 16reads )
甚至4期 明镜严   (8 bytes , 12reads )
DNA测定由于可能在碱基配对时误配对的情况, lgland   (133 bytes , 9reads )
读全文 明镜严   (38 bytes , 11reads )
咋不一样啦?俺晕的是, Blzrd   (64 bytes , 17reads )
google翻译如下 明镜严   (1131 bytes , 12reads )
哎呀,层主, Blzrd   (26 bytes , 10reads )
我理解 明镜严   (44 bytes , 11reads )
其实新加坡本身也积累了很多数据,应该利用利用 qingni2   (75 bytes , 14reads )
1&2都没错, Blzrd   (40 bytes , 13reads )
不是有很多人游说吗? 明镜严   (167 bytes , 9reads )
搜到这个,还没看完 明镜严   (43 bytes , 13reads )
还有这个 明镜严   (43 bytes , 12reads )
这个 明镜严   (83 bytes , 8reads )
读了原文,以及她的大部分回帖… TPMT   (110 bytes , 14reads )
也就是说,她充分怀疑疫苗的有效性咯, Blzrd   (32 bytes , 15reads )
如果这个角度,那么和病毒共存阶段就要推迟了? andy99   (62 bytes , 12reads )
不够有效 所以要监控疫苗后抗体浓度 1743sg   (18 bytes , 34reads )
何晶陈述是基于Health Sciences Authority (HSA)的结论 hongmong   (18 bytes , 11reads )
有些人去打,就是为了不打不方便了 andy99   (16 bytes , 24reads )
看实际的吧,反正新加坡主要就是2种mrna疫苗 andy99   (109 bytes , 20reads )
所以老年网红也能干预 熊维妮   (300 bytes , 21reads )
何晶现在什么职位 熊维妮   (18 bytes , 12reads )
南巡的时候小平就是个桥牌协会主席还名誉的 Flag888   (0 bytes , 17reads )
这是事实,可是,这可不是普通的退休妇女呀 mltt   (0 bytes , 12reads )
哈哈哈哈哈 那你说的对 1743sg   (38 bytes , 36reads )
define 差很多? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 18reads )
人家的用词是 I suspect 1743sg   (12 bytes , 39reads )
截图没成功 放上链接 1743sg   (68 bytes , 34reads )