所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2021-05-27 21:43  更多评分:

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More traditional inactivated virus vaccines on the contrary do not require cold storage, can be used in a wide variety of situations, are cheap and relatively easy to produce and their technology is tried and true. Their long-term effects can thus be better predicted. Moreover, their production can be done in many countries that lack the conditions needed to produce mRNA vaccines.

The Chinese vaccines are of this type. They were developed and produced in the same amount of time as the Western mRNA vaccines. But, whereas the mRNA vaccines are mostly limited to nations that are economically developed, can afford their high cost, and have the infrastructure needed to inoculate their populations, the Chinese vaccines can be easily used by less developed countries in the Global South who otherwise would have been left out in the cold.

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估计是行业,住学校宿舍,等等。 Bosch   (0 bytes , 6reads )
是这么回事。 skyblue23   (196 bytes , 15reads )
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谢谢 lilybaby2003   (50 bytes , 10reads )
请教 lilybaby2003   (225 bytes , 23reads )
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没事。我知道有人青霉素过敏,荨麻疹经常,已经打了M家第一针。 Bosch   (189 bytes , 10reads )
打完以后要注意些什么? 香草巧克力慕斯   (20 bytes , 7reads )
吃清淡营养,不喝酒,多休息,别劳累。 Bosch   (0 bytes , 6reads )
谢谢 香草巧克力慕斯   (16 bytes , 3reads )
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了解 香草巧克力慕斯   (4 bytes , 8reads )
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60%咋算的 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 5reads )
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不是说M家 笑天   (24 bytes , 15reads )