所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2021-04-30 01:57  更多评分:

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The ICA officer tested positive on Apr 27 when he sought treatment at Tan Tock Seng Hospital for a fever, loss of sense of smell and body aches.

A few days before that, on Apr 23, he had developed a cough and was given two days of medical leave by a general practitioner.

His previous swabs from routine testing, the last being on Apr 22, were negative for the coronavirus.

ICA officer 23号去看GP,给了两天MC(不知是23,24还是24,25)。 然后25号晚上和family members聚餐传了好几个人。

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
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呵呵,你看政府那些精英紧张不紧张 andy99   (45 bytes , 24reads )
管理国家的精英和我们普通大众能一样吗 mltt   (90 bytes , 21reads )
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下午政府就有一些政策出来了 andy99   (0 bytes , 25reads )
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自己看吧 国王大道   (50 bytes , 33reads )
这篇文章是说对b117有效性降低~ 小菩提   (14 bytes , 14reads )
恭喜亲一看你就没有得过肺炎 阿列   (106 bytes , 28reads )
b117都减弱了 国王大道   (28 bytes , 20reads )
奇怪 逍遥游2021   (489 bytes , 27reads )
mc 一般是当天开始算 vitesse   (80 bytes , 26reads )
瑟瑟发抖 futing189   (0 bytes , 38reads )
发抖+1 飞流三千尺   (20 bytes , 24reads )
请问哪里看到的信息 princesspeach   (14 bytes , 23reads )
早报都有啊 XXWaBa   (90 bytes , 21reads )
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目测他没严重发烧过或者真的得过普通肺炎所以不懂 阿列   (0 bytes , 26reads )
有补贴那个是需要特别rider的吧 笑天   (27 bytes , 19reads )
医院都禁止访客了 XpbbToT   (36 bytes , 29reads )
主要想知道 确诊的是不是英国变种病毒 patrick_star   (42 bytes , 41reads )
呵呵 国王大道   (71 bytes , 19reads )
你还担心英国变种?out了 天涯海角刚好   (36 bytes , 24reads )
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加buff coward   (0 bytes , 34reads )
号称95%保护率。。。5%都集中到这16人了 niubee   (0 bytes , 21reads )
可能是变种病毒 曦哥   (12 bytes , 25reads )
多半要跟流感疫苗一样 每年update niubee   (64 bytes , 25reads )
woc jasonsheck   (46 bytes , 37reads )
本地人又呱呱叫了 XpbbToT   (48 bytes , 26reads )