herd immunity is a scientic concept
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2020-04-13 21:42  更多评分:

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it is not a goal when it comes to fighting this war.
the goal is to contain and control the impact of virus, in the short term and long term, via many measures co-currently, such as adequate health care system that can cope with surge in demand, treatment that are effective and can reduce fatality , social distancing and hygine that slows down the spread, vaccinations that is effective with minimum side effects, and hopefully one that can keep up with the likely virus mutation .
herd immunity works for some virus while it doesnt for others, it takes a large population , some 40%, some 80-90% of population to get infected in order to develop herd immunity . As for now, scientist do not know what is the required infection rate in order for herd immunity to work for this virus. vaccniation is the safer way towards this than natural ways. Getting large population purposely affected for the reason of getting “herd immunity “ at the same time will come at very high cost of fatality, economic impact as people are unfit to work, expose vulnerable groups(the old, the children, those pregnent, those with high risk heath conditions in developing severe symptoms), and crush the health care system, leaving social, medical and economical trauma.
what countries are doing is indeed trying to “flattern the curve”, buy some more time, to get ready for the next battle. It is going to be a long war, many battles ahead. Scientist does not know this virus enough for the moment, as usual for outbreaks it normally takes years to understand the virus.
it is a scientifc concept, it is not a strategy. it may end up being a result , but it is not the first card a country would bet on, not with its people’s lives on a bet. You don’t give in immediately and turn in more than half of your people in the beginning of battle, hoping you will be spared your life without even knowing who your enemies are and what they would do to your other half of troops after surrendering. You fight, wait for re-enforcement, build up your army, refine your strategy, preserve your resource, negotiate, and fight again to win the war.

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英国首相快要阵亡了。。。 阿尔维斯   (359 bytes , 8664reads )
楼主是在乱写标题赚流量 lars   (17 bytes , 31reads )
Hi~交友~ 束負nuo52   (37 bytes , 34reads )
交友 狮城小郭   (38 bytes , 41reads )
以前行吧,最近心情版,只能交敌 douknnowme   (0 bytes , 32reads )
有一个非常有意思的现象 笑天   (105 bytes , 40reads )
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普通人也不是人人都得 笑天   (6 bytes , 27reads )
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其实我们在谈不同的角度 笑天   (4 bytes , 27reads )
要不要加上个世界快毁灭了 91蚍蜉撼树91   (10 bytes , 40reads )
有这么一种可能 rjm   (216 bytes , 31reads )
太可怕了! muxig1980   (0 bytes , 78reads )
迁都武汉吧,今天张文宏刚说武汉可能已有群体免疫 阿尔维斯   (0 bytes , 29reads )
无知者无畏啊 雪吹风   (28 bytes , 46reads )
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我不觉得有错,而是非实行不可了 笑天   (275 bytes , 32reads )
层主可以学习一下免疫知识 小馋牛   (174 bytes , 36reads )
+1顶层主 muxig1980   (0 bytes , 69reads )
都21世纪了还是要出疫苗才是正道 muxig1980   (0 bytes , 73reads )
你知道疫苗需要多久吗 笑天   (303 bytes , 28reads )
刚在友圈看到网红专家的comments,搬过来 小馋牛   (93 bytes , 30reads )
这个我昨天已经转了啊 笑天   (267 bytes , 26reads )
我又不追着你帖子看 小馋牛   (442 bytes , 29reads )
张网红专家说的抗体不一定有用 笑天   (68 bytes , 27reads )
层主是故意钻牛角尖吗 小馋牛   (215 bytes , 31reads )
我钻了吗 笑天   (99 bytes , 32reads )
懒得说了 小馋牛   (373 bytes , 22reads )
理解啊 笑天   (143 bytes , 22reads )
再重申我的观点 笑天   (157 bytes , 32reads )
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herd immunity is a scientic concept 毛绒绒滴小河马   (2127 bytes , 27reads )
没黄吧 vanessa_sg   (111 bytes , 37reads )
德国数据,2%感染 14%有了抗体 可以维持6-18个月 笑天   (131 bytes , 32reads )
目前的数据,感染以后当然人 笑天   (245 bytes , 27reads )
别把几率问题这么轻描淡写 小馋牛   (196 bytes , 31reads )
几率问题轻描淡写是什么意思啊 笑天   (389 bytes , 32reads )
失控就是失控,别拿群体免疫说事儿 小馋牛   (187 bytes , 28reads )
支持 muxig1980   (0 bytes , 66reads )
你看我的帖子啊 笑天   (47 bytes , 27reads )
感冒不能免疫 紫羊   (64 bytes , 26reads )
有些疫苗是长期的 笑天   (163 bytes , 32reads )
哪怕每年打的疫苗都是最新研发的 小馋牛   (107 bytes , 24reads )
就是因为流感每年会不同,疫苗可能打了也没用,所以公司免费给打的沃也从来没打过。 沃西山人   (62 bytes , 34reads )
嗯,起码还是能防一些的:) 小馋牛   (0 bytes , 27reads )
所以新冠虽然目前没有 紫羊   (134 bytes , 31reads )
其实不止是变异的问题 小馋牛   (93 bytes , 38reads )
层主搞笑了 小馋牛   (263 bytes , 30reads )
随手贴一个科普~ 小馋牛   (91 bytes , 28reads )
群体免疫是一种状态,而不是手段。 TPMT   (142 bytes , 27reads )
专门登录给层主点个赞 番茄好吃   (5 bytes , 36reads )
群体免疫是一定要做到的 笑天   (105 bytes , 26reads )
让我有种回到校园的感觉 唐朝   (81 bytes , 30reads )
所以我强调了“对新冠病毒"而言 - 因为这个状态对从新冠极可能不成立 小馋牛   (104 bytes , 40reads )
有一种说法 20165377   (309 bytes , 52reads )
这是孙子兵法欲擒故纵的皮毛而已 rjm   (20 bytes , 31reads )
也有可能,但是牺牲太大了…… yaoyao8   (408 bytes , 32reads )
楼主可能只是想贴一条新闻,标题是惊人了些,但是 yaoyao8   (191 bytes , 35reads )
+1 muxig1980   (16 bytes , 70reads )
刚刚CNN上说还没有上呼吸机,condition stable, not in ventilation. 米子   (0 bytes , 39reads )
这样的标题不好 我来看你了   (48 bytes , 27reads )
赞同不应该这么损人 Ex2   (54 bytes , 31reads )