How many we win?
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2020-04-11 14:11

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即使面对的是Avengers, Dr. Strange也无法说出"详情"。所以,只是显露出了我们超越周围人对当前问题的分析以及对未来的预见力,并不能得到周围人的赞同和跟随。尝试以更新更广更高的角度来善用智慧。

Pls read how we could comment on issues better as follows,

Around the world, we are facing four interconnected crises – medical, economic, financial and governance - that can create a cascading and compounding effect if not handled well.....
The medical crisis will pass one day. The economic crisis of lost capacities and capabilities will outlast the medical crisis but can be rebuilt. The financial crisis can be mitigated with collective global action. But ultimately, the crisis in governance will be the most critical to avoid.

Trust and confidence, once lost, will take the longest time to rebuild. Hence, this crisis will distinguish countries’ governance coherence and capacities. This will shape the competitiveness of countries for generations, beyond natural resources, land mass or population size.

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