所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2020-04-03 11:12  更多评分:

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The 1957 outbreak hit Singapore in May and infected over 150,000 people. While widespread, it was relatively mild but still killed 28 people in Singapore.

Schools were closed for 11 days but although people were warned to keep away from crowded places (an early form of safe distancing), those who were infected were usually not very ill and continued to go out, spreading the virus.

The MInister for Health then A.J. Braga said it was not possible to stop the infection short of closing the borders and ports of Singapore and Malaya, which he said was 'unthinkable'.



1957 年亞洲流感是二戰後最大的甲型流感爆發。根據澳洲醫學史家 Lachlan M. Strahan 的研究,病毒首先在 1957 年 2 月於中國貴州爆發,大陸的流行病學家也認同相關觀點。由於中國一些地區人口擠迫,農民與雞鴨接觸頻繁,病毒很容易因為「基因洗牌」變種成超強病毒,而亞洲流感 H2N2 病毒就發現了禽鳥型流感基因。大流感於 3 月傳遍全國省市,包括北京,4 月則蔓延至香港。Strahan 勾勒出該次流感的兩條主要傳播途徑,其中一條為海路,將病毒由香港帶到新加坡、台灣和日本。由於當時西方世界對共產中國了解不深,加上大陸不是世界衛生組織成員之一,很多人至今都誤以為香港是亞洲流感的起源地,例如「西雅圖時報」在 2009 年的專題報道。

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