所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2020-04-02 00:42

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Unity Pharmacy at NEX shopping mall to temporarily close after employee contracts COVID-19


People queueing to enter Nex mall on March 27

Don’t go to NEX, seriously avoid at all costs. My bf and I went to Nex grocery shopping ~ 1.5 weeks ago. We went 2 times in a row to stock up for a few weeks. This week my bf had a fever at the start of the week and I had conjunctivitis (red itchy eyes) with sore throat. We were both thinking we could have tio covid-19 from Nex because it was freaking crowded when we went and there were some people coughing without mask. Went to GP and GP didnt wanna test us for covid even though she said we have all the symptoms, she just issued 5-day MC and told us to rest at home. So we are completely quarantining and isolating ourselves from anyone and have not left the house at all. Our 5 days is almost Up and we are basically recovered but we still don’t dare to leave the house until 1 week+ just incase the virus can still spread after recovered. SIAM NEX at all costs unless you can’t help it and it’s the nearest grocery store from your house like for us.



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