所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2020-03-26 13:56

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10. To date, we have done around 39,000 tests for COVID-19. This translates to about 6,800 tests per million people in Singapore, compared with around 6,500 in South Korea, and about 1,000 in Taiwan. These tests are important in helping us to detect as many cases as possible and as early as possible.

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颜金勇:约20万国人将返新 确诊病例料增加 molly12256   (741 bytes , 4153reads )
并没有提到具体回来多少 shidu   (304 bytes , 7reads )
是啊 匿名小ID   (259 bytes , 10reads )
学校宿舍关闭的学生可能会回来, shidu   (56 bytes , 23reads )
打标题就能搜到,其实就是预个警,把底线和盘托出,最多就是20万人 typhoonzj   (83 bytes , 9reads )
真没google到,这标题够惊悚的, shidu   (30 bytes , 10reads )
翻到一篇两年前的新闻 匿名小ID   (432 bytes , 9reads )
新加坡应该是向海外每个人传达了信息,我一个同学在美国收到了通知 typhoonzj   (187 bytes , 15reads )
这个吗 笑天   (167 bytes , 13reads )
重点在这里,比一比 笑天   (304 bytes , 31reads )
麻烦楼主去看一下英文的原话是怎么说的。 alexwee   (0 bytes , 36reads )
我这是复制新闻 你觉着新闻报道不对你把英文的贴上来啊 molly12256   (0 bytes , 8reads )
你随便复制新闻都不求证一下吗 alexwee   (43 bytes , 26reads )
那你有能耐你找报社求证啊 molly12256   (61 bytes , 15reads )
也不知道怎么算出来20万的? 大江大河   (103 bytes , 24reads )
这不就救活了 d_sx   (84 bytes , 12reads )
所以说小坡前几天的操作真的是莫名其妙 gobackC   (240 bytes , 15reads )
没毛病 紫羊   (42 bytes , 10reads )
湖北来的 14天QO 快快跑   (291 bytes , 12reads )
没毛病 emf   (182 bytes , 14reads )
湖北的这个我同意 gobackC   (174 bytes , 10reads )
特朗普向文在寅求助 望韩方能提供抗疫医疗设备 快快跑   (26 bytes , 10reads )
韩国现在找中国大量进口口罩 Calicocat   (18 bytes , 12reads )
孟子曰 d_sx   (149 bytes , 8reads )
家大业大 d_sx   (89 bytes , 16reads )
头痛医头 黑猪也疯狂   (17 bytes , 13reads )