所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2020-03-17 07:57  更多评分:

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Malaysia has just announced that it will restrict all movement throughout the country from 18 March to 31 March to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 within Malaysia.

Given the close proximity between Singapore and Malaysia, many Singaporeans may be concerned about what this will mean for them.

The Government has been actively working with essential firms such as NTUC Fairprice, Sheng Siong and Dairy Farm International to increase our stock of food and essential supplies over the last two months. This means that we are not in danger of running out of food or other supplies brought in by our retailers.

In addition to building up our inventory of food and essential supplies, we also have in place a robust multi-pronged strategy that will ensure we do not run out of the essentials we require. For example, we have local production capabilities for products such as noodles, infant milk powder and canned goods among others. In the event that we need to increase supply for our domestic consumption, we can ramp up quickly and easily to do so. We have also continued to diversify our sources of essential goods, for example we get a good amount of vegetables from China and even go as far as Australia and Spain to secure our supply of eggs.

Although we are not facing any shortages, I urge everyone to continue to purchase in a responsible manner and to purchase only what you need. Otherwise, no amount of stockpiling will be sufficient.

Businesses that employ Malaysian workers who commute between Singapore and Malaysia daily may have to activate their Business Continuity Plans. If they need assistance, they should contact our economic agencies who stand ready to assist.

We will continue to stay in touch with our Malaysian counterparts as the situation evolves. Our priority is to ensure that our people and our businesses are able to continue with their lives and their livelihoods.

I am aware that many of these new restrictions and announcements may be quite overwhelming for many people. I ask for your continued trust and support as we work hard with all stakeholders to ensure that we get through these short-term challenges together. CCS

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