所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2020-01-26 09:25  更多评分:

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Bernard Low, 刘文良, Ph.D
Assistant Vice-President @ CapitaLand | Senior Learning Specialist | Corporate Training

"Bernard, my boss requires me to take two weeks' compulsory leave."

My friend just told me over the phone.

He works in a Singapore-based Chinese bank. Their senior management has required all staff to adopt the following measures now that the Wuhan virus has come to Singapore:

1. To wear masks during work, more so for staff who are in contact with customers daily.

2. To take compulsory two weeks' leave if they have just returned from China.

3. To take compulsory leave and seclude themselves for two weeks if they have been in contact with people who came recently from China.

4. No travel to China for the time being.

My friend fell into the third category.

This is socially responsible behaviour and I applaud this bank for implementing such measures during times like these.

On the road these few days, the people I saw who wore masks are largely the PRC Chinese. They are more conscious of the threat and risk of being infected by the Wuhan virus.

As for my fellow citizens, they appear somewhat more nonchalant. Some even thought the media has over-sensationalized the whole situation or that there is fake news.

In times like these, it's better safe than sorry.

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