所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2019-12-24 15:03

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 


他们的说法是,要一样的policy wording !!!!...
所以 all BS....

According to section 23 “Delayed Departure” at page 15, we will pay you for each full consecutive 6 hour delay if a disruption to your journey, for a period of at least 6 consecutive hours from the scheduled time of your carrier’s departure as specified in your itinerary, arises from strike or industrial action, adverse weather conditions, mechanical breakdown, derangement, or structural defect of the carrier you were scheduled to travel aboard.

We received reply from Scoot that they maintain to mention the flight TR 17 was cancelled and changed to flight TR 9 due to operational reason and there have no other reasons.

Therefore, we regret to inform you that the delayed departure benefit has been rejected due to the operational reasons stated in the black and white from airline is not under covered reasons stated in policy wording.

We regret that the outcome could not be more favorable.


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
真是被scoot气哭了…… Finland12   (353 bytes , 4633reads )
飞长沙也是同样的操作 ssd   (36 bytes , 53reads )
十一月初也是中了   (147 bytes , 12reads )
以为这篇文章是在写我 トヨタPI   (15 bytes , 13reads )
以前买南航的特价机票,后来行程取消了,退票要损失不少钱。 DonnieMum   (72 bytes , 17reads )
传说廉航都是起飞调控次级和谁家没什么关系 lioncity_sg   (55 bytes , 16reads )
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..... 000111   (1035 bytes , 21reads )
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我的是AXA tiago   (138 bytes , 18reads )
好像两个不一样。 春天华尔兹   (70 bytes , 15reads )
是的 Finland12   (15 bytes , 15reads )
或者不如公布一下你买的哪家保险 wangjileya   (24 bytes , 14reads )
请问楼主怎么订南航的?官网还是其他网?一直不知道怎么订南航 青柠檬   (0 bytes , 40reads )
就在南航官网订的啊…… Finland12   (0 bytes , 17reads )
以前试过它家官网打不开就放弃了。现在去看一下。谢了~ 青柠檬   (0 bytes , 15reads )
Finland12   (58 bytes , 17reads )
我爸妈往返武汉的时间也改了 Tenacity   (60 bytes , 21reads )
我买了春节的机票 春天华尔兹   (54 bytes , 18reads )
我好像8月买的好时间段的 Tenacity   (46 bytes , 20reads )
可以免费改吗??? トヨタPI   (28 bytes , 15reads )
嗯免费改 Tenacity   (10 bytes , 29reads )
好像错过了什么 トヨタPI   (3 bytes , 10reads )
我是怕有什么变化 Finland12   (72 bytes , 18reads )
哈哈 相同遭遇的飘过 KK灰   (178 bytes , 15reads )
说实话silkair也不行,贵服务还不好 Finland12   (54 bytes , 12reads )
目测起因是贪便宜 not 航空公司不飞了 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 11reads )
何以见得呢? Finland12   (12 bytes , 15reads )
还好,比南航直接取消好多了…… sonatam   (36 bytes , 13reads )
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scoot经常改时间 毛绒绒滴小河马   (83 bytes , 18reads )
第一次买scoot Finland12   (37 bytes , 15reads )
我是本来 bobo1318   (99 bytes , 14reads )
对呀…… Finland12   (34 bytes , 13reads )
胜安换成酷航之后 没发现比以前便宜多少 lamanouyang   (0 bytes , 13reads )
很多时候 crazylion   (82 bytes , 17reads )
还有这种操作? Finland12   (8 bytes , 15reads )