Android is an open platform that's freely available to you as an app developer. You can immediately download the Android SDK, develop apps, and distribute them to the world without any registration or fees.
Android is developed by Google LLC and the Open Handset Alliance. We've made it available to you as a development platform pursuant to our commitment to openness, freedom, and innovation in mobile.
To start developing apps for Android, download the free Android SDK.
Android Brands
The "Android" name, the Android logo, and other trademarks are property of Google LLC. You may not use the logo or the logo's custom typeface.
You may use the word "Android" in a product name only as a descriptor, such as "for Android" and the first instance should be followed by a TM symbol, "for Androi TM." In other messaging, the word "Android" may be used in text as a descriptor, as long as it is followed by a proper generic term (for example, "Android TM application"). Any use of the Android name must include footer attribution in your communications: "Android is a trademark of Google LLC."