from China and I'm new citizen now
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2018-10-22 13:51

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【吐槽八卦】新公民到底该如何回答where are you from nie   (354 bytes , 5770reads )
从来是回答 I am from China sgfreebird   (0 bytes , 50reads )
louzhu 玻璃心啊... 你随便说一个不就好了吗 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 27reads )
昨天你去哪儿了 nie   (0 bytes , 30reads )
一般不是 from China,然后下个问题就是入坡籍没么 Calicocat   (24 bytes , 40reads )
FROM CHINA 小小听诊器   (356 bytes , 48reads )
同感 爱丽西亚   (30 bytes , 23reads )
通常这样问的人已经预设了答案 Xiexie272   (94 bytes , 60reads )
from China 朔望月   (17 bytes , 37reads )
显然是from China啊 猫山王   (20 bytes , 36reads )
LZ问这个竟然没发在匿名贴,勇气可嘉 hannah710   (26 bytes , 36reads )
永远from china +1 Xiexie272   (0 bytes , 36reads )
问题再明确不过了吧 @long_journey   (112 bytes , 39reads )
哈哈 回答错误 因该是I was originally from China 后面如果你要凸显你公民 牛啊牛   (23 bytes , 30reads )
from China togaf8   (22 bytes , 32reads )
人家问你where r u from justpassby   (18 bytes , 33reads )
看房的时候用英文发消息没人理 hdhxt   (38 bytes , 53reads )
from China就好了啊纠结个啥? 漂洋过海吹牛逼   (164 bytes , 38reads )
我的标准答案是 emilia   (29 bytes , 35reads )
I am from China 自信灬微笑   (4 bytes , 50reads )
其实问的人没有其它意思就是没话找话聊天而已 yaoyao8   (319 bytes , 24reads )
在新加坡问where from潜台词就是觉得你不是土生坡人 typhoonzj   (57 bytes , 34reads )
+1. 具体的问的情况楼他没写,不知老外是否是没礼貌之人。 DZ   (66 bytes , 34reads )
originally from 必须的08   (0 bytes , 31reads )
我会回答中国/中国人 UUU318   (105 bytes , 65reads )
来坡很多年,口音变得不三不四了。 淡淡风   (106 bytes , 23reads )
我很烦别人问我这个问题 Erencie   (30 bytes , 31reads )
这不是客户想要的 riskhunter   (74 bytes , 29reads )
im from china cy1024   (39 bytes , 24reads )
china born singaporean ellinlin   (30 bytes , 32reads )
Singaporean 南洋暴雪   (148 bytes , 45reads )
赞你的回答 absurd   (60 bytes , 42reads )
+1. DZ   (0 bytes , 33reads )
你就说 I'm local DZ   (217 bytes , 41reads )
local更惨吧…… Finland12   (31 bytes , 41reads )
那就说 "I'm Singapore Citizen, I was born in China". DZ   (319 bytes , 40reads )
同感 爱丽西亚   (54 bytes , 33reads )
无论谁这么问,都该回答from China, 还有家乡。 潜飞薄栖   (18 bytes , 34reads )
有本英文教材是这么教的 LHBZHS   (37 bytes , 30reads )
这个问题好像和国籍没关系啊 yuna1989   (64 bytes , 50reads )
我通常回答北京 滚雪球   (121 bytes , 26reads )
莫名想笑,哈哈哈 筱葭   (0 bytes , 46reads )
我会骄傲地说 毛绒绒滴小河马   (356 bytes , 33reads )
你可以回答 三好   (55 bytes , 32reads )
从来都回答from china wineywei   (18 bytes , 34reads )
重点是 from DMS   (46 bytes , 69reads )
真的吗? 熊维妮   (48 bytes , 31reads )
居然还能碰到半个老乡 南洋铁匠   (14 bytes , 28reads )
我也来自淄博!哈哈 yanru   (0 bytes , 25reads )
你真的要讲那么细么? DMS   (92 bytes , 52reads )
换个次序会比较好 熊维妮   (118 bytes , 38reads )
认同维尼的答案 nie   (24 bytes , 31reads )
纠结个毛啊 镁光工程师   (24 bytes , 36reads )
WTF DavidXia20   (125 bytes , 29reads )
应该反问 熊维妮   (42 bytes , 28reads )
实话实说不就行了 qqdriver   (118 bytes , 30reads )
我一般说from China 小二圆   (46 bytes , 41reads )
说实话没人关心你现在的国籍是什么 rabbitwf   (56 bytes , 41reads )
说from china不难呀 绿豆芽   (98 bytes , 36reads )
那就努力一下 天天睡不醒   (55 bytes , 41reads )
嗯嗯 Xiexie272   (16 bytes , 42reads )
accent 并不是一个不好的东西啊 DavidXia20   (104 bytes , 31reads )
我说的accent不是英国的accent 天天睡不醒   (107 bytes , 36reads )
有中国accent并不麻烦和尴尬阿 DavidXia20   (177 bytes , 36reads )
不如 你若安好   (77 bytes , 30reads )
在本地说from china,出国去中国以外的地方说from Singapore 凡人   (22 bytes , 35reads )
同意这个 rabbitwf   (18 bytes , 32reads )
from China and I'm new citizen now 马克杯   (1 bytes , 46reads )
bobo1318   (74 bytes , 35reads )
自己怎么回答 无需别人认同 小寒   (65 bytes , 35reads )