Memconium aspiration
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Meconium Aspiration
What is meconium aspiration?
Meconium aspiration occurs when a baby breathes in amniotic fluid containing meconium (the baby's first stools).

一般都会喝羊水 如果呛到可能因为羊水混入了胎便 这个是个比较棘手的情况 因为可能正因为先天发育的情况才导致胎便混入羊水吧 。

What causes meconium aspiration?
Before or during labor, the fetus sometimes passes the meconium stool into the amniotic fluid. It is not clearly understood why this happens. It may be a natural event, but it is also thought to be related to fetal distress in some babies. When the thick meconium mixes into the amniotic fluid, it is swallowed and breathed into the airway of the fetus. As the baby takes the first breaths at delivery, meconium particles enter the airway and can be aspirated (inhaled) deep into the lungs.

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求助大家:新生儿轻微脑损伤 xwxw   (291 bytes , 1683reads )
希望没有什么问题 yaoyao8   (205 bytes , 49reads )
谢谢哦 xwxw   (18 bytes , 51reads )
虽然给不了建议 ikiwiberry   (44 bytes , 43reads )
谢谢 xwxw   (74 bytes , 56reads )
Some more 甜甜不糖   (1973 bytes , 75reads )
Memconium aspiration 甜甜不糖   (817 bytes , 83reads )
谢谢祝福 xwxw   (24 bytes , 61reads )
因为医生诊断是“轻微”,在积极治疗的情况下可以恢复的很好 mingtian1990   (1215 bytes , 36reads )
谢谢! xwxw   (163 bytes , 59reads )
人生从一开始就是际遇 笑天   (24 bytes , 67reads )
如果医院算当地靠谱的,一切相信医生为先,积极配合治疗 大白牛   (841 bytes , 63reads )
感谢 xwxw   (131 bytes , 59reads )