中国第一颗原子弹研发需要的静电质子加速器是一个美国人帮助下获得的,当时中国核物理学家赵忠尧在美国希望采购零件,带回国组装,得到一位慈祥的美国物理教授的帮助,最后完成了中国第一台静电质子加速器,为原子弹研发做出了巨大贡献。这位美国教授是约翰特朗普(John G. Trump)。
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John G. Trump married, and he and his wife had three children: the late John Gordon Trump (1938–2012) of Watertown, Massachusetts; Christine Philp of New London, New Hampshire; and Karen Ingraham of Los Alamos, New Mexico; and six grandchildren. His nephew Donald John Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States in 2017。