因为Citi PremierMile 的信用卡免费可以办理两张附属卡,所以想着给老人家也办张。这样方便他们自己上街买东西。
Dear XXX,
Good day to you.
We would like to share the details when the application for the sub card
is a non Permanent resident individual.
Income criteria for Singaporeans and PRs:
Minimum S$30M per annum (Salaried/Self Employed/Commission-earner)
Must have S$15M (Retiree)
FIN if available also Passport number
(Total annual income can include tax declarable fixed and variable
income. For variable income, the full amount is considered for card
application. However, for credit line assignment, only 70% of the amount
will be considered.)
Should the bank require further supporting documents our relevant
department for applications will contact the registered contact number
on the application form.
Thank you for using Citibank Online.
Client Correspondence Services
Citibank Singapore ltd.