所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2017-04-21 10:20

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"Kleptomania or klopemania[1] is the inability to refrain from the urge for stealing items and is usually done for reasons other than personal use or financial gain. First described in 1816, kleptomania is classified in psychiatry as an impulse control disorder.[2] Some of the main characteristics of the disorder, suggest that kleptomania could be an obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorder.[3][citation needed]"

"Shoplifting is clearly a psychological issue for many people. Shoplifting for most individuals is rarely about greed or poverty. It’s about people struggling with their own personal conflicts and needs.

The single largest psychological factor found in approximately 1/3 of shoplifters studied is “depression”...."


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NTU full professor干这个 icky   (245 bytes , 7904reads )
不敢想 ethan12345   (0 bytes , 38reads )
这人的哥在NTU应该是副校长了 typhoonzj   (74 bytes , 58reads )
他哥哥压力山大了 朵朵樱桃   (134 bytes , 51reads )
正教授不缺钱我现身说法 阿弥陀佛   (42 bytes , 63reads )
一共也就200出头 也是醉了... 永远的根号3   (54 bytes , 38reads )
心理疾病+1 natagoku   (33 bytes , 44reads )
朋友神评论 icky   (27 bytes , 51reads )
肯定不差钱 typhoonzj   (5 bytes , 56reads )
嗯,住在无极芝麻 icky   (4 bytes , 38reads )
唉eee比较有名的prof呢 我觉得就是种病 跟有没有钱无关。。。 qqmeng719   (0 bytes , 44reads )
他哥哥是副校长..... 南瓜同学   (20 bytes , 59reads )
如果娃多妻子不工作的话 滚雪球   (41 bytes , 68reads )
我发现这位最近三句离不开房子 飞天猪2016   (22 bytes , 34reads )
我现在也不知道会被埋在哪里 滚雪球   (13 bytes , 37reads )
埋和买这个错误 呼呼怪   (12 bytes , 29reads )
如果被埋了还会回帖 飞天猪2016   (12 bytes , 26reads )
不好意思 飞天猪2016   (15 bytes , 33reads )
二万新币收入还紧张的话那就其他人都不要活了 kcowen   (0 bytes , 38reads )
看你怎么过 滚雪球   (145 bytes , 36reads )
那偷个两百来块也不顶用的 二荆条   (8 bytes , 43reads )
可是我说的这个是基本上每个人都有的需求吧 滚雪球   (142 bytes , 42reads )
这也能撕上? 永远的根号3   (0 bytes , 35reads )
没办法 滚雪球   (14 bytes , 36reads )
还真是 永远的根号3   (22 bytes , 37reads )
问题是要怎么推展开来 呼呼怪   (22 bytes , 38reads )
我说的这些都是解决温饱奔小康时候的基本需求 滚雪球   (355 bytes , 42reads )
教授小偷小摸应该不是为了贪便宜吧 Yume   (66 bytes , 38reads )
感觉你美剧看得少 freemansugar   (224 bytes , 44reads )
不明白你在说什么 滚雪球   (201 bytes , 35reads )
你把他的这种行为归结为爱占便宜,所以我说你美剧看得少或者缺乏一定的心理学知识。 freemansugar   (984 bytes , 41reads )
“其实我觉得这个小偷小摸纯粹是个人习惯,他觉得不被人抓住就可以占便宜” freemansugar   (85 bytes , 36reads )
我的意思是他习惯了小偷小摸违法赚便宜了 滚雪球   (335 bytes , 38reads )
不明白为啥撕你 疯狂的加菲   (106 bytes , 29reads )
说我认知水平受限不算撕我 滚雪球   (102 bytes , 26reads )
为什么我觉得我们是在愉快的聊天罢了 滚雪球   (12 bytes , 37reads )
啊哈哈哈我误会了 疯狂的加菲   (20 bytes , 32reads )
你的说法让我对认知水平受限这种现象有了新的认识。 freemansugar   (78 bytes , 37reads )
坏蛋不都是这么养成的吗? 滚雪球   (254 bytes , 37reads )
我不愿意把人想这么坏 朵朵樱桃   (213 bytes , 35reads )
只要你的论点站不住脚啊 merfyrr   (103 bytes , 29reads )
这么说那个教授连超市都不用去 滚雪球   (276 bytes , 32reads )
full prof不容易 aquila   (486 bytes , 64reads )
无语了 merfyrr   (82 bytes , 35reads )
我也无话可说了。同认为是心理问题。 freemansugar   (0 bytes , 40reads )
允许我异想天开一下 朵朵樱桃   (139 bytes , 34reads )
如果警察肯查 滚雪球   (143 bytes , 46reads )
呵呵,是啊, Xiaoyouzibei   (38 bytes , 53reads )
哪有两万新币一说? 走走   (10 bytes , 54reads )
NTU网上写的 ccrystal   (62 bytes , 45reads )
什么是full prof? 走走   (0 bytes , 39reads )
就是正教授 ccrystal   (86 bytes , 37reads )
professor分三级 icky   (128 bytes , 48reads )
同问 呼呼怪   (20 bytes , 30reads )
就是正教授 merfyrr   (0 bytes , 40reads )
就是prof Ivyg   (22 bytes , 39reads )
道听途说 滚雪球   (4 bytes , 41reads )
人家的屋子应该都是供完的吧 据说是芝麻街的洋房 家有仨宝   (0 bytes , 45reads )
天啊 merfyrr   (36 bytes , 48reads )
不年轻了吧 icky   (22 bytes , 50reads )
你不懂 merfyrr   (109 bytes , 54reads )
那是因为他哥哥 xccc   (8 bytes , 133reads )
姓余 icky   (10 bytes , 65reads )
姓余 不是尔 家有仨宝   (0 bytes , 38reads )
余一般用Yee,最有名的那个已去美帝 我来看你了   (0 bytes , 38reads )
嗯 不过这个一定是余 家有仨宝   (0 bytes , 29reads )
也有可能姓二呀 xccc   (31 bytes , 82reads )
我们叫他二萌主 疯狂的加菲   (47 bytes , 32reads )
哦,这样 icky   (10 bytes , 29reads )
师门不幸啊 唐甬   (10 bytes , 48reads )
看错了,是NTU的 唐甬   (24 bytes , 43reads )
我还以为你是故意的 icky   (5 bytes , 50reads )
醉了 comsol   (14 bytes , 35reads )
应该心理有疾病 qwertyuiopa   (0 bytes , 41reads )
可能他自己也不愿意承认吧 icky   (14 bytes , 48reads )