100--FACTBOX: Energy impacts of Trump's surprise US presidential victory Wa
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2016-11-09 15:44

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--9Nov2016/239 am EST/739 GMT

* Letting markets decide what lands to drill
* Dismantling US EPA for over-regulating industry
* 'America first' approach to trade policy

Republican Donald Trump has won the US presidential election in a
surprise upset after polls had predicted a comfortable lead for his Democratic
opponent, Hillary Clinton, the Associated Press is projecting.
While Trump has given few concrete details about his energy plans, his
statements during the campaign indicate he would likely adopt policies that
attempt to expand fossil fuel production, ease regulations on industry and
roll back President Barack Obama's clean air policies.
Here is a snapshot of some of Trump's energy-related statements:

Trump has said he supports all forms of energy and wants the market to
decide which ones succeed. He has promised to open all federal lands and
waters to fossil fuel production, in contrast to Clinton, who had called for
new, stricter limits on oil and gas production on public lands and indicated
she wanted US offshore production confined to only the Gulf of Mexico.
Analysts say it is impossible to determine just how much of an impact a
Trump administration may have on domestic supply because of a number of
shifting factors, particularly prices.
But Trump, widely seen as a far bigger supporter of the oil and natural
gas industry, will likely rebuff any environmentalist attempts to curb
domestic fossil fuel production and will likely give US producers access to
far more on and offshore plays than Clinton would have.
"I think it's like the production of anything, if you have access to more
of it, you're going to have more," North Dakota Representative Kevin Cramer, a
Republican and top Trump energy adviser, told S&P Global Platts. "In fact,
whether it correlates to more overall production or not, it certainly provides
a diversity of opportunities for

耐得住寂寞 才能守得住繁华
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【吐槽八卦】曝光广州菲凰货代无故扣货3个月,有同样经历的欢迎跟帖集体吐槽 阿弥陀佛   (7980 bytes , 8711reads )
请问楼主,你的问题最后是怎么解决的? dulce   (20 bytes , 24reads )
楼主牛x 官管   (16 bytes , 21reads )
好像狮城上早就有人曝光过来吧 幸福美满   (199 bytes , 53reads )
是的,后来我货物被扣我才在网上搜到狮城有N多人曝光 阿弥陀佛   (20 bytes , 42reads )
加油写啊 蛋蛋2009   (24 bytes , 31reads )
为了写这个帖子,我已经吐了很多老血了 阿弥陀佛   (47 bytes , 39reads )
抱抱楼主 skymagic   (128 bytes , 31reads )
回复不了 阿弥陀佛   (8 bytes , 32reads )
谢谢鼓励 阿弥陀佛   (112 bytes , 30reads )
吃瓜群众默默关注ing 宝贝贝   (0 bytes , 30reads )
谢谢贝贝的默默关注 阿弥陀佛   (0 bytes , 37reads )
网红先生说:“你为啥不直接联系广州的仓库啊,你的货肯定被押在仓库了” 阿弥陀佛   (262 bytes , 38reads )
五雷轰顶!!!!!!!!!一线曙光,生活如此美好 阿弥陀佛   (327 bytes , 42reads )
就想问问楼主 头像是本人吗 MichelleYS   (0 bytes , 30reads )
是的 阿弥陀佛   (15 bytes , 35reads )
可以想象装修期间等家具的焦虑 haidaoyu   (325 bytes , 30reads )
求站短货代联系方式 taozi71   (30 bytes , 24reads )
求个联系方式 ntuieee   (0 bytes , 39reads )
可以站短给我吗?谢谢 阿弥陀佛   (0 bytes , 54reads )
求站短货代联系方式 aiiwaa   (10 bytes , 23reads )
握手 阿弥陀佛   (176 bytes , 28reads )
求货代信息,多谢! Hope4Best   (0 bytes , 32reads )
求货代联系方式 hattie   (10 bytes , 22reads )
已站短 haidaoyu   (0 bytes , 29reads )
大概五年前用过,还在华新吐槽过… maylee   (158 bytes , 39reads )
你还见过他啊 阿弥陀佛   (52 bytes , 27reads )
明天继续8 阿弥陀佛   (24 bytes , 31reads )
气死我了 阿弥陀佛   (207 bytes , 40reads )
后来呢 caijin1   (0 bytes , 34reads )
前台很防备的问我找谁有什么事 阿弥陀佛   (70 bytes , 38reads )
为了能上10大 我也是挺拼的 阿弥陀佛   (0 bytes , 26reads )
网上截图 阿弥陀佛   (64 bytes , 47reads )
我随意发几个截图 阿弥陀佛   (58 bytes , 49reads )
自己随意感受下 阿弥陀佛   (124 bytes , 45reads )
另外一个鼎鼎大名的网红居然是他新加坡公司的董事~!!!!! 阿弥陀佛   (157 bytes , 53reads )
你朋友关系这么强大 疯狂的加菲   (43 bytes , 44reads )
查这些信息不需要有关系的 gagger   (40 bytes , 25reads )
没错,前提你知道公司全称,或者人名的情况下 阿弥陀佛   (51 bytes , 32reads )
吃瓜群众 阿弥陀佛   (91 bytes , 34reads )
仇网红把我请进他那个被100多号公司用来作为注册地址的公司 阿弥陀佛   (283 bytes , 30reads )
他把跟黄延安的关系撇的一干二净 阿弥陀佛   (311 bytes , 27reads )
新加坡关系再强大 只能获得一些信息 阿弥陀佛   (30 bytes , 25reads )
如果在广州 肯定大卸八块 阿弥陀佛   (106 bytes , 31reads )
某个群里,不认识,加了我,可总发广告,我拉黑了 塑料玫瑰   (28 bytes , 30reads )
那你算是幸运的了 阿弥陀佛   (16 bytes , 28reads )
我查到菲凰海运在新加坡的最新地址 阿弥陀佛   (149 bytes , 58reads )
终于找上门去 阿弥陀佛   (228 bytes , 37reads )
继续8广州菲凰货代 继续威胁我了 阿弥陀佛   (337 bytes , 36reads )
老李出来说话了 阿弥陀佛   (279 bytes , 28reads )
100--FACTBOX: Energy impacts of Trump's surprise US presidential victory Wa 阿弥陀佛   (1896 bytes , 21reads )
特朗普获胜了 阿弥陀佛   (16 bytes , 29reads )
不管川普还是希拉里 疯狂的加菲   (45 bytes , 30reads )
早点认识你就好了 阿弥陀佛   (90 bytes , 29reads )
可以理解 静静看你装   (27 bytes , 34reads )
我那个多单是上周在104.80附近买的。 阿弥陀佛   (37 bytes , 22reads )
我 的美日多单昨天晚上11点之后平的,赚了点辛苦钱。 阿弥陀佛   (74 bytes , 21reads )
牛,人美胆大 静静看你装   (0 bytes , 28reads )
一般我不做数据行情的 阿弥陀佛   (23 bytes , 27reads )
给我冷静一下,还有更不要脸的事情在后面。 阿弥陀佛   (789 bytes , 50reads )
艾玛,看不下去了, 宝贝贝   (117 bytes , 34reads )
抱抱我!! 阿弥陀佛   (86 bytes , 29reads )
抱抱,噩梦体验啊 宝贝贝   (0 bytes , 27reads )
谢谢~ 阿弥陀佛   (0 bytes , 22reads )
黄总否认他们有收到货 阿弥陀佛   (244 bytes , 39reads )
硬着头皮,也不要脸一次~~ 阿弥陀佛   (404 bytes , 35reads )
黄总居然让我赖淘宝卖家没发货~~真实事件!~ 阿弥陀佛   (522 bytes , 38reads )
货物丢失 阿弥陀佛   (503 bytes , 39reads )
刚才去Wake了 阿弥陀佛   (254 bytes , 31reads )
可能就是走私团伙, 阿弥陀佛   (82 bytes , 30reads )
刚刚收到消息 阿弥陀佛   (85 bytes , 47reads )
一定要的。通常20或50吧 虎宝宝   (37 bytes , 26reads )
用什么颜色的包包啊 阿弥陀佛   (28 bytes , 17reads )
如果是华人的话,要用白纸包。 我要开心   (16 bytes , 23reads )
我老板是华人 阿弥陀佛   (66 bytes , 35reads )
僵持下来,开始威胁 阿弥陀佛   (323 bytes , 31reads )
狡兔三窟 阿弥陀佛   (279 bytes , 35reads )
狡兔三窟 阿弥陀佛   (330 bytes , 35reads )
贝贝 你确信我的货物找回来了吗? 阿弥陀佛   (0 bytes , 28reads )
中午睡会午觉, 阿弥陀佛   (14 bytes , 29reads )
不会是这家公司不做了吧? 阿弥陀佛   (194 bytes , 24reads )
很经常 阿弥陀佛   (56 bytes , 23reads )
看看其他人 阿弥陀佛   (126 bytes , 29reads )
大家看看其他跟帖。同一个公司的受害者 阿弥陀佛   (44 bytes , 24reads )
我开始翻找旧邮件,想找到他新加坡公司的地址,找上门 阿弥陀佛   (118 bytes , 28reads )
太缺德了,做生意一点诚信都没有 宝贝贝   (0 bytes , 27reads )
后面开始威胁恐吓我了 阿弥陀佛   (0 bytes , 23reads )
要我提前付款可以, 阿弥陀佛   (369 bytes , 32reads )
货物还没给我装柜,倒先要钱了 阿弥陀佛   (565 bytes , 29reads )
看到这里恍然大悟 桃娘   (92 bytes , 28reads )
那个900是弄坏我墙砖说免运费后来秋后算帐要回去的 阿弥陀佛   (12 bytes , 27reads )
别人先翻脸了!!! 阿弥陀佛   (534 bytes , 34reads )
现在回头想想,都能气得肝火旺盛。 阿弥陀佛   (128 bytes , 33reads )
说到哪了?请原谅我的记性差+事情多+选择性记忆 阿弥陀佛   (531 bytes , 32reads )
。。。 楼主不来华新自习室,目测华新论坛的小众奇葩性直接导致了信用不高的[…] 功夫熊猫   (14 bytes , 30reads )
我第一次接触华新是今年9月 阿弥陀佛   (115 bytes , 23reads )
来坡多久了呢? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 31reads )
10几年了 阿弥陀佛   (81 bytes , 24reads )
同情楼主 蛋蛋2009   (23 bytes , 29reads )
大家记住了,帮我做个广告,广州菲凰货代 阿弥陀佛   (0 bytes , 28reads )
你的5万块的货 颓废青年   (35 bytes , 36reads )
这些都是后话了 阿弥陀佛   (89 bytes , 35reads )
万幸,货物还找回来了 宝贝贝   (0 bytes , 24reads )
我的货物后来不是通过这个垃圾拿到的 阿弥陀佛   (30 bytes , 29reads )
好曲折啊 宝贝贝   (0 bytes , 23reads )
折腾了好几个月,我心力交瘁 阿弥陀佛   (37 bytes , 24reads )
十大热贴有什么奖励吗 阿弥陀佛   (0 bytes , 34reads )
热烈欢迎美国历史上第一位女总统 阿弥陀佛   (0 bytes , 30reads )
没人吗 阿弥陀佛   (0 bytes , 31reads )
大家有人遇到同样的公司 阿弥陀佛   (12 bytes , 41reads )
同情 林子99   (390 bytes , 33reads )
层主,怎么联系聂风海运啊? 炎热夏雨   (18 bytes , 133reads )
没有广告 林子99   (116 bytes , 28reads )
谢谢 我搜了 搜不出来 阿弥陀佛   (38 bytes , 32reads )
问老公要了,短给你了! 林子99   (115 bytes , 29reads )
谢谢亲 我喝醉了 刚才应酬 阿弥陀佛   (0 bytes , 28reads )
我也在找 阿弥陀佛   (6 bytes , 37reads )
求短这个货代 roynvn   (18 bytes , 25reads )
林子99   (104 bytes , 24reads )
好的 谢谢 阿弥陀佛   (0 bytes , 28reads )
同求 阿弥陀佛   (61 bytes , 22reads )
联系方式,楼主可以在华新网上搜。 林子99   (0 bytes , 25reads )
聂风确实还是不错的 卿卿子衿   (238 bytes , 74reads )
对于华新网上相见恨晚啊 阿弥陀佛   (51 bytes , 35reads )
必须要曝光啊 hdeksa   (22 bytes , 40reads )
肿么没人感兴趣啊 阿弥陀佛   (41 bytes , 36reads )
之前我做生意有用过他 阿弥陀佛   (39 bytes , 33reads )
Word天啦!3月到现在!直接找律师告他吧! 微蓝   (22 bytes , 34reads )
我太忙了没时间 阿弥陀佛   (32 bytes , 30reads )
这几个月 阿弥陀佛   (221 bytes , 44reads )
房子已经装修好了 阿弥陀佛   (95 bytes , 50reads )
每天继续打电话请安 阿弥陀佛   (201 bytes , 47reads )
每天打电话问事情的进展 阿弥陀佛   (345 bytes , 44reads )
等了2个星期,没任何消息 阿弥陀佛   (201 bytes , 38reads )
一等再等 阿弥陀佛   (180 bytes , 43reads )
钱付了,总该给我发货了吧??? 阿弥陀佛   (239 bytes , 70reads )
终于开口要我付第二笔的海运费了 阿弥陀佛   (489 bytes , 48reads )
lz太nice了吧 疯狂的加菲   (135 bytes , 27reads )
你在说我好欺负么 阿弥陀佛   (22 bytes , 24reads )
揍丫一顿 疯狂的加菲   (51 bytes , 27reads )
主要人家的故事编的有鼻子有眼 阿弥陀佛   (181 bytes , 27reads )
那Y行踪不定 阿弥陀佛   (85 bytes , 19reads )
秋后算账 阿弥陀佛   (254 bytes , 38reads )
第三批货,秋后大算账!!!被各种敲诈勒索 阿弥陀佛   (116 bytes , 44reads )
开吐 阿弥陀佛   (536 bytes , 58reads )
第二批货(第一批货的海运费给了,他说他们已经预付钱给新加坡公司了) 阿弥陀佛   (225 bytes , 36reads )