Heart trembling
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2016-04-21 08:08  更多评分:

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Once u said u did not know me, I was shocked and puzzled. Yes, I only had played Frisbee with you long long time ago.
Rumours may always go around. It is ok. We do not have much overlap. People are charmed by your body and ur soul. What a metaphor, chameleon soul! intriguing, mysterious and maybe, accurate.
I have told my soul mate that you are like fireworks. I feel u like splendid firework, do not care what happened, happening and will happen. It is just that soul, self centred, enjoy everything, ignoring everything. But darkness is there, when u lit urself, you feel brighter.
I don't know. I should not judge, but I see the soul, reflecting mine a little,like stardust. I feel so lucky that I never feel insecure and dark. I am emotional and sentimental but never feel dark. But I am never so brave as you.
It is for Livecn, I do not mean to infringe. However, invisible does not mean not exist.

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[提示] 该主题违反版规或内容不当已被屏蔽, 如有疑问请去《意见公告版》投诉. 小土   (1829 bytes , 3893reads )
真心觉得这是个很适合怀旧的贴 凡人   (0 bytes , 69reads )
请问如何让版主帮忙删帖? 小土   (131 bytes , 88reads )
@青空 @yuwu @loveice 神探福临门一脚   (74 bytes , 77reads )
层主 崖士蛮   (10 bytes , 55reads )
@青空 @yuwu @loveice 神探福临清世祖   (6 bytes , 112reads )
@青空 @yuwu @loveice  神探福如东海水   (14 bytes , 70reads )
港真,写的挺好的... 友友   (29 bytes , 53reads )
我也觉得写的很文艺啊 凡人   (18 bytes , 51reads )
喝酒作诗可以有 英文法文的别hold double11   (33 bytes , 63reads )
不好意思,我是来泼冷水的 dnegel   (44 bytes , 58reads )
楼主不是要卖三套公寓要开婴儿托管所而且怀孕了又习惯性流产那位? ghf2014   (16 bytes , 74reads )
一直以为你俩是一对 侠气与醉狂   (0 bytes , 61reads )
@livecn,现在已经Mentally Unstable, 你们两个都是彼此的初恋,时过境迁 AskMeWhy   (0 bytes , 96reads )
不是初恋吧,但的确轰烈过... 凡人   (0 bytes , 44reads )
你知道的太多了。 大帅哥   (0 bytes , 48reads )
知道的人太多了 凡人   (0 bytes , 54reads )
目测楼上荡漾了。。。 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 53reads )
这里面水深得很,痴男怨女, 可惜了 AskMeWhy   (0 bytes , 92reads )
围观多年的情债。。 无人之境   (130 bytes , 74reads )
听了层主的话, 克服浮躁   (32 bytes , 63reads )
艾玛,楼主是livecn的ex? sunnylau2   (0 bytes , 40reads )
依稀记得此ID double11   (41 bytes , 61reads )
记得这个事说明你也是个老ID :) 侠气与醉狂   (0 bytes , 54reads )
记得这个充其量也就是个中年ID baby_donuts   (22 bytes , 56reads )
见过晒照片的话 x4   (8 bytes , 39reads )
还不算 凡人   (95 bytes , 51reads )
文学版某版主也很资深 神探福临清世祖   (18 bytes , 84reads )
那时姐叫什么 哈哈 double11   (0 bytes , 44reads )
老ID回不来啦 凡人   (24 bytes , 55reads )
我知道你老ID啊 yydy   (49 bytes , 44reads )
我算不算啊… 友友   (27 bytes , 63reads )
你俩够熟了好吧 凡人   (0 bytes , 53reads )
无图无真相 hdeksa   (12 bytes , 53reads )
别八我 继续八有故事的人 double11   (12 bytes , 46reads )
船只的螺旋桨打得... 凡人   (28 bytes , 45reads )
不是马航MH370正好路过吗? 大帅哥   (20 bytes , 55reads )
好吧 流言止于智者 double11   (19 bytes , 39reads )
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我记得是三胖天才试射潜射导弹擦伤的 天彳亍   (10 bytes , 48reads )
编。。。 继续编。。。 说的好像鲨鱼咬的时候,层主就在旁边看似得 功夫熊猫   (20 bytes , 44reads )
居然已经传成了被鲨鱼咬伤这么厉害了!流言真的好厉害~~~~ 青空   (0 bytes , 49reads )
流言可畏啊~明明是鳄鱼咬的 patrician   (0 bytes , 44reads )
编。。。 继续编~ 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 52reads )
关层主何事呢? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 46reads )
You are a Poet 小寒   (24 bytes , 46reads )
ywqx... kuaifakuaifa 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 61reads )
Heart trembling ruhemut   (915 bytes , 65reads )
不明觉厉~ 沙发致敬 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 49reads )
好像标题是个ID x4   (10 bytes , 48reads )
@Livecn   (8 bytes , 64reads )
NA 小土   (21 bytes , 105reads )
born to die 小土   (2497 bytes , 100reads )
让我想起了以前某版主。。。 patrician   (0 bytes , 41reads )
哪位? 崖士蛮   (0 bytes , 33reads )
我昨天也正好听了这歌 奋斗de饼饼   (16 bytes , 39reads )
板凳 崖士蛮   (22 bytes , 48reads )