Once u said u did not know me, I was shocked and puzzled. Yes, I only had played Frisbee with you long long time ago.
Rumours may always go around. It is ok. We do not have much overlap. People are charmed by your body and ur soul. What a metaphor, chameleon soul! intriguing, mysterious and maybe, accurate.
I have told my soul mate that you are like fireworks. I feel u like splendid firework, do not care what happened, happening and will happen. It is just that soul, self centred, enjoy everything, ignoring everything. But darkness is there, when u lit urself, you feel brighter.
I don't know. I should not judge, but I see the soul, reflecting mine a little,like stardust. I feel so lucky that I never feel insecure and dark. I am emotional and sentimental but never feel dark. But I am never so brave as you.
It is for Livecn, I do not mean to infringe. However, invisible does not mean not exist.