所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2016-03-13 22:51

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AWARE is the only organisation in Singapore that offers practical advice for expat women in need of it. In cases of divorce, AWARE counsellors stress the importance of networking, finding out your rights as soon as possible, recording details of finances and assets, and always being prepared for the next step. “It hurts to do all these things when your world has fallen apart, but it is necessary to act. Try to make good contacts via support groups and get outside help to avoid draining your friendships,” Kerry suggests. To find out more about AWARE, visit www.aware.org.sg.

Attends to callers in need of counselling and provides referral services. 3.00pm to 9.30pm, Monday to Friday, at 1 800 774 5935.

Legal Clinic 
Provides women with free legal information and advice at a monthly clinic. Second Thursday of every month. Book by calling the Helpline.

Support to women by accompanying them to police stations, family courts, hospitals and other help centres. Book via the Helpline.

Advise individuals, couples and families on marital and family discord, domestic violence, single parenthood, separation, divorce, sexuality, self-esteem and other areas. This is a confidential service provided for a small charge. Book through the Helpline.

The Legal Issues 
Expat Living spoke with Randolph Khoo, director of litigation and dispute resolution of Drew & Napier solicitors, about the matters that divorcing couples should bear in mind.

EL: Are there any legal organisations in Singapore, apart from law firms, that can offer advice on this?

RK: The Family Court website (app.subcourts.gov.sg/family/index.aspx) contains user-friendly information for non-lawyers.

The Law Society website (www.lawsociety.org.sg) also contains general information on divorce.

Q: What happens to the trailing spouse’s dependant’s pass when divorce is filed for or granted? Does he or she have to leave the country right away after a divorce is granted, if he or she has not yet found a job?

A: According to a Ministry of Manpower official, the fact that your partner has filed for divorce does not affect your right to live here. But once the divorce is legalised the dependant pass-holder needs to do one of the following:

1) Leave the country within 14 days, or

2) Apply for a work permit and try to find employment at the same time, or

3) in the case of not having found a job straight away, ask for an extension of the employment pass (but that would require authorisation from the ex-partner via his or her employer, who would still have to be a sponsor to the dependant).



 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
求问离婚的事 榛子酱   (661 bytes , 11877reads )
刚才没打完,接着讲 duan   (116 bytes , 49reads )
如果女的不回来, micomama   (128 bytes , 30reads )
我觉得楼主若想治治这个男的就直接回国,他在本地结的婚,必须在本地离, duan   (108 bytes , 45reads )
我就不明白了,他就2w存款lz还指望分多少呢? Cindy0619   (392 bytes , 37reads )
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问了很多次 榛子酱   (176 bytes , 63reads )
设计什么的哦? 殊哥哥   (14 bytes , 40reads )
建议妹子趁年轻赶紧回国,重新开始 滚雪球   (0 bytes , 43reads )
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人渣啊 北葵向暖   (114 bytes , 53reads )
谢谢大家 榛子酱   (244 bytes , 60reads )
希望妹子一切顺利 hdeksa   (10 bytes , 34reads )
断生活费好像不可以吧 yuwu   (74 bytes , 51reads )
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既然问了几个律师 ariesmile   (198 bytes , 55reads )
+1 sienzhien7   (267 bytes , 37reads )
+1 安妮小小   (20 bytes , 33reads )
这年头怎么这么多负面新闻 自信灬微笑   (30 bytes , 47reads )
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设计什么的哦 殊哥哥   (11 bytes , 40reads )
是不敢找男朋友结婚了吧 piaopiao6732   (0 bytes , 34reads )
结婚前 顾小熊   (127 bytes , 44reads )
赶紧离+1 奔三的小妇人   (34 bytes , 36reads )
如果双方协商好财产分配赡养费等条件,离婚花费很少的 格布   (45 bytes , 59reads )
小姐却不算出轨 榛子酱   (28 bytes , 39reads )
具体咨询下律师吧,早离早解脱 格布   (374 bytes , 212reads )
小姐是unreasonable behavior 明年今日   (0 bytes , 33reads )
他也就有点钱能找小姐了 榛子酱   (12 bytes , 47reads )
你可以把找小姐列为"unreasonable behaviour"作为离[…] 明年今日   (6 bytes , 33reads )
这个理由是需要上法庭找律师打官司说的吗 榛子酱   (71 bytes , 42reads )
就是起诉离婚的时候列出。详情问法律咨询吧。 明年今日   (0 bytes , 34reads )
好的谢谢 榛子酱   (6 bytes , 52reads )
站短南洋版主,找AWARE,找工作 明年今日   (6153 bytes , 44reads )
谢谢你 榛子酱   (14 bytes , 37reads )
要自立自强 林子99   (428 bytes , 41reads )
我们是在新加坡 榛子酱   (37 bytes , 53reads )
不一定要耗三年的。 love962397   (206 bytes , 38reads )
我已经咨询过几个啦 榛子酱   (76 bytes , 92reads )
渣男。。太渣了。 mrgary   (76 bytes , 35reads )
谢谢! 榛子酱   (18 bytes , 34reads )
大写渣男! @南洋暴雪 Augustmind   (20 bytes , 40reads )
谢谢大家帮我 榛子酱   (66 bytes , 34reads )
心疼楼主 Fantasylx   (271 bytes , 47reads )
他已经狠放出来他不会给我申请pr的 榛子酱   (192 bytes , 44reads )
未婚先孕 小红和阿蓝   (27 bytes , 79reads )
我也是脑门被夹了 榛子酱   (26 bytes , 56reads )
sorry..忍不住想说 no zuo no die 江湖2016   (113 bytes , 50reads )
我大学毕业了工作几个月认识的好吗 榛子酱   (321 bytes , 62reads )
你真不了解现在学生 顾小熊   (386 bytes , 56reads )
我果然outdated 了 江湖2016   (40 bytes , 57reads )
天啊 榛子酱   (246 bytes , 60reads )
敢问楼主妈妈怎么会同意你嫁给二婚男? 熊维妮   (86 bytes , 45reads )
这就是我的错了 榛子酱   (59 bytes , 66reads )
你也太有主意了。 克服浮躁   (178 bytes , 43reads )
榛子酱   (30 bytes , 58reads )
姑娘你撒不撒? 熊维妮   (486 bytes , 40reads )
写错 熊维妮   (40 bytes , 39reads )
榛子酱   (47 bytes , 56reads )
我觉得楼上妹子说的对,可以回国重新开始 多啦美甜美美   (96 bytes , 45reads )
不算老吧 崖士蛮   (38 bytes , 35reads )
尽快止损 路易十三   (86 bytes , 65reads )
因为我们时间很短吧 榛子酱   (100 bytes , 47reads )
那就先别告诉父母,父母不了解情况会乱出主意 路易十三   (143 bytes , 61reads )
不可能合啊 榛子酱   (12 bytes , 39reads )
找个律师咨询,有他外遇的证据,应该可以拿很多赡养费,我估计 wasabi7   (0 bytes , 75reads )
新加坡出不出轨不影响赡养费—— 南洋暴雪   (32 bytes , 46reads )
谢谢科普 wasabi7   (0 bytes , 43reads )
可怕的就是我已经问过几个了 榛子酱   (107 bytes , 68reads )
你可能拿不到对方财产是真的。 love962397   (156 bytes , 44reads )
这我知道 榛子酱   (109 bytes , 41reads )
你都说了他没钱了 一米阳光   (43 bytes , 35reads )
不可能拿不到赡养费。 love962397   (174 bytes , 61reads )
理论上是这样 榛子酱   (132 bytes , 41reads )
沙发~~火钳流氓 xxxxxxxxx[…] 1999   (5 bytes , 51reads )
请告诉本座他的华新 ID... 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 67reads )
他不玩华新。。 榛子酱   (21 bytes , 63reads )
请问老公是公民? chriszzc   (11 bytes , 77reads )
他是公民 榛子酱   (78 bytes , 71reads )
比较困难。 chriszzc   (193 bytes , 74reads )
对的 榛子酱   (139 bytes , 32reads )
不过你当时怎么就能喜欢大十几岁的 guge   (12 bytes , 59reads )
我当时才毕业几个月吧 榛子酱   (210 bytes , 78reads )
你们在哪里领的证? love962397   (515 bytes , 58reads )
在新加坡领的呢 榛子酱   (53 bytes , 69reads )
谢谢 榛子酱   (276 bytes , 61reads )
在新加坡离婚 love962397   (244 bytes , 88reads )
那就是说 榛子酱   (182 bytes , 46reads )
你当然是要一笔钱走人啊! love962397   (250 bytes , 48reads )
我也很想! 榛子酱   (284 bytes , 49reads )
千万不要分期付款 hdeksa   (12 bytes , 40reads )
目测能拿到20-30%的存款 chriszzc   (106 bytes , 43reads )
我有说过 榛子酱   (26 bytes , 47reads )
那么点钱 水墨   (38 bytes , 54reads )
我真的是觉得你想得太简单了。 love962397   (120 bytes , 50reads )
我想的是,私下跟他谈 榛子酱   (210 bytes , 45reads )
弱弱歪楼一下 huzyuchc   (63 bytes , 36reads )
说实话 vililytan   (334 bytes , 41reads )
+1..... mrgary   (5 bytes , 31reads )
+2.... 路易十三   (57 bytes , 42reads )
谢谢 榛子酱   (42 bytes , 33reads )
赶紧离,止损 guge   (0 bytes , 53reads )