Do not attemp to re-install Boyfriend 5.0 Program
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2016-01-04 10:22  更多评分:

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Dear Tech Support,
’Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slowdown in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.
In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as: Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, and then installed undesirable programs such as: NBA 5.0, NFL 3.0 and Golf Clubs 4.1.
Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and House cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. Please note that I have tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.
What can I do?
Dear Desperate,
"First keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system. Please enter command: I thought you loved me.html and try to download Tears 6.2 and do not forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update. If that application works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.
However, remember, overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Beer 6.1. Please note that Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will download the Farting and Snoring Loudly Beta.
Whatever you do, DO NOT, under any circumstances, install Mother-In-Law 1.0 (it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources.)
In addition, please, do not attempt to re-install the Boyfriend 5.0 program. These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. We recommend: Cooking 3.0 and Hot Lingerie 7.7.
Good Luck!’

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lg的事业越来越好,我作为全职主妇却越来越郁闷 结衣酱   (371 bytes , 13854reads )
我和楼主的情况不同但也类似,是两地分居 Yun81   (246 bytes , 62reads )
果然坡坡呆久了人都会单纯的… 兔子在坡上   (412 bytes , 65reads )
楼主生完了就快点来团聚吧 宁一   (869 bytes , 86reads )
谢谢大家的安慰和回复 结衣酱   (680 bytes , 60reads )
不要黑巨蟹座哈 breezee   (127 bytes , 52reads )
哈哈就是就是 小馋牛   (46 bytes , 49reads )
我看到男女出轨的比率六四开 阿里巴巴和大盗   (459 bytes , 62reads )
生了孩子的女性应该比有孩子的男性出轨少吧 结衣酱   (446 bytes , 49reads )
也有不少。。 大壮壮   (76 bytes , 49reads )
我身边也有异地两年 阿里巴巴和大盗   (597 bytes , 53reads )
我觉得南瓜妹纸说的很对 宅宅   (85 bytes , 43reads )
不明白楼主呆在坡做什么 helenhu   (124 bytes , 95reads )
丈夫丈夫一丈之内才是丈夫! yun513   (90 bytes , 49reads )
我新加坡同事也是说上限是一个月 江湖2016   (22 bytes , 46reads )
原来我是被新加坡人同化了。 yun513   (47 bytes , 45reads )
什么工作这么自由? vililytan   (20 bytes , 45reads )
我那时辞职在家带孩子。 yun513   (0 bytes , 40reads )
赶紧回国 刻不容缓 june8686   (341 bytes , 54reads )
赞june8686,尤其这段话— 克服浮躁   (470 bytes , 40reads )
新加坡两地分居的家庭很多很多 蝴蝶翅膀   (329 bytes , 60reads )
你说的就是我想做到的 结衣酱   (111 bytes , 41reads )
现在很多事情说不清 蝴蝶翅膀   (283 bytes , 42reads )
真的 江湖2016   (26 bytes , 45reads )
那我问你,楼下说的恩爱故事你觉得男猪脚出轨没 蝴蝶翅膀   (42 bytes , 42reads )
如果那个男方不是在天朝 江湖2016   (47 bytes , 37reads )
lz说真的,要么你趁早回要么让你老公回,异地夫妻不是个事儿,尤其是一方在国内的。 二荆条   (892 bytes , 75reads )
如果我要回去一定把女佣转给你 结衣酱   (97 bytes , 39reads )
这位分析的一针见血 江湖2016   (2 bytes , 34reads )
特意登陆进来回一下 PSZeuss   (257 bytes , 71reads )
那如果从男性的观点看,怎样才能一直吸引你呢 结衣酱   (50 bytes , 34reads )
是的 江湖2016   (338 bytes , 61reads )
看来国内就是个温柔乡啊 结衣酱   (128 bytes , 43reads )
说实话 唐甬   (283 bytes , 62reads )
她这么优秀可以找个其他男人,干吗要这么恶劣的老公 蝴蝶翅膀   (141 bytes , 40reads )
天哪这个镇的好可怜 wintergal   (26 bytes , 44reads )
一切外因皆由内因 breezee   (607 bytes , 56reads )
是这样的。 结衣酱   (231 bytes , 31reads )
想通了就要行动 breezee   (22 bytes , 44reads )
妹子 hdeksa   (608 bytes , 53reads )
你的回复见血啊 结衣酱   (231 bytes , 37reads )
工作中的孕妈 Wendy521   (379 bytes , 65reads )
谢谢开导啊 结衣酱   (34 bytes , 41reads )
楼主, amyray   (128 bytes , 46reads )
是啊,我想赶快转移注意力 结衣酱   (104 bytes , 31reads )
简单的说,就是不满足 西东南北风   (12 bytes , 41reads )
感情上确实不满足。。空虚又寂寞 结衣酱   (0 bytes , 36reads )
支持回国 米鱼   (402 bytes , 53reads )
是的,之后肯定要回去,虽然我不太想 结衣酱   (110 bytes , 32reads )
化化妆学学钢琴 一方   (759 bytes , 46reads )
所以我来论坛吐槽了 结衣酱   (62 bytes , 35reads )
很明显,你老公更喜欢在国内发展,应该不会回坡了。 恋诚   (114 bytes , 49reads )
他是喜欢国内 结衣酱   (142 bytes , 38reads )
Do not attemp to re-install Boyfriend 5.0 Program pyrococcus   (1872 bytes , 83reads )
这个好玩 绿豆芽   (15 bytes , 33reads )
不好意思我笑了 金城武吃紫薯   (0 bytes , 44reads )
哈哈哈 结衣酱   (125 bytes , 34reads )
笑死 二荆条   (8 bytes , 33reads )
attempt pyrococcus   (6 bytes , 35reads )
Ex2   (126 bytes , 48reads )
我觉得回国也没有帮助 vililytan   (195 bytes , 41reads )
是啊,我也知道这是不可能的事 结衣酱   (70 bytes , 37reads )
目测渣男~ 忙个头呢一切都是空忙 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 44reads )
熊猫好有ceo潜质 江湖2016   (26 bytes , 29reads )
挺有先见之明的   (16 bytes , 40reads )
我觉得熊猫看问题很准,每次都是一针见血! 微蓝   (83 bytes , 32reads )
熊猫是男性吗 结衣酱   (85 bytes , 52reads )
说八卦... 说琐事... 说娃的尿布每月洗几块以及月损控制之类的.. […] 功夫熊猫   (20 bytes , 39reads )
社会对女人真残酷 mimibaby   (22 bytes , 40reads )
哈哈哈哈哈 hdeksa   (24 bytes , 44reads )
en 你的头像十分销魂 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 44reads )
系统自带 hdeksa   (21 bytes , 39reads )
这么销魂的头像是如何做到的呢? 明年今日   (0 bytes , 36reads )
觉得主要问题是异地 myohmy   (67 bytes , 38reads )
同意说的 江湖2016   (463 bytes , 50reads )
是啊,他长期一个人在那边确实危险 结衣酱   (206 bytes , 38reads )
如果没有孩子我才不管他是不是会出轨,大不了我也出。随时都可以离开。 蝴蝶翅膀   (248 bytes , 41reads )
你回国跟他在一起情况真的会大不一样 哇离伤   (423 bytes , 38reads )
我觉得你想多了 PSZeuss   (221 bytes , 51reads )
赞一个 applesweet   (0 bytes , 31reads )
不过还是不排除少数特别有责任感的男人 江湖2016   (0 bytes , 35reads )
哇 这位姐姐绝对是高手 江湖2016   (16 bytes , 30reads )
我不是姐姐。。。 PSZeuss   (0 bytes , 47reads )
那你是个哥哥? 江湖2016   (26 bytes , 27reads )
大家热情高 就再爆一点我的经验 PSZeuss   (129 bytes , 50reads )
男人不都先看颜在看身材 结衣酱   (79 bytes , 36reads )
我觉得 颜值和其他啥的有B保底就行。 PSZeuss   (149 bytes , 60reads )
我觉得女方人品好 男人不会与其分开 但是确不保男的不去夜总会找小姐 江湖2016   (351 bytes , 47reads )
哈哈 目测小哥在金融业? 江湖2016   (0 bytes , 44reads )
和钱相关的行业。。各大行的 众生相看了很多 PSZeuss   (0 bytes , 45reads )
既然你决定在这里生再过去 江湖2016   (96 bytes , 37reads )
我想带女佣过去啊,怎么带,女佣签证好像最多一个月吧 结衣酱   (0 bytes , 29reads )
不懂哦 不过你可以发个帖子问下 江湖2016   (0 bytes , 35reads )
果断赞一个 路易十三   (24 bytes , 42reads )
暂时不回国的原因有 结衣酱   (406 bytes , 50reads )
签证很简单啊 随便去搜搜就知道了 SiHong   (18 bytes , 46reads )
我是不知道小孩一生下来怎么弄那些手续 结衣酱   (165 bytes , 34reads )
lz啊,不懂怎么办国内的手续这些都不是借口 划水小妞   (106 bytes , 43reads )
哈哈,现在马上回去也来不及啦,还有一个多月就生产啦 结衣酱   (109 bytes , 53reads )
最近旧同事的老公说xmas回来结果又放我同事鸽子 江湖2016   (106 bytes , 43reads )
那就安心待产吧 江湖2016   (69 bytes , 45reads )
祝好孕啦 唐甬   (34 bytes , 44reads )
我身边就有个楼主一样情况的朋友 喵喵鱼   (408 bytes , 73reads )
+1,周围住着好多日本邻居,妈妈们全都妆容细致美得不要不要的 小馋牛   (133 bytes , 51reads )
年轻大啦,也不想自拍了 结衣酱   (42 bytes , 34reads )
我多想像你这个朋友一样啊 结衣酱   (102 bytes , 43reads )
打扮给自己看啊。。。 小馋牛   (86 bytes , 42reads )
说对了,我是懒惰的巨蟹座。 结衣酱   (54 bytes , 39reads )
同巨蟹 Ivy0529   (134 bytes , 65reads )
那就回去生啊 yayayayayaya   (42 bytes , 36reads )
继续 结衣酱   (502 bytes , 78reads )
哎…… 要要切克闹   (454 bytes , 51reads )
我几年前也和楼里的一样单纯 江湖2016   (190 bytes , 38reads )
楼主他工作的事儿你就别操心了 applesweet   (160 bytes , 35reads )
现在有老公的做三的也很多 江湖2016   (24 bytes , 38reads )
这个是个危险的征兆 江湖2016   (17 bytes , 45reads )
你觉得现在的女下属危险还是他要招的那个人呢 结衣酱   (148 bytes , 39reads )
我觉得嘛 江湖2016   (85 bytes , 35reads )
虎摸楼主,别胡思乱想... 桃娘   (71 bytes , 41reads )
我确实有点产前抑郁症了,不过我更怕产后抑郁症 结衣酱   (34 bytes , 40reads )
特意注册一个马甲来回复此帖 江湖2016   (784 bytes , 51reads )
谢谢你特意为我注册回复 结衣酱   (541 bytes , 40reads )
就算男人再洁身自好 Ivy0529   (32 bytes , 48reads )
既然你自己对国内的情况都了解 江湖2016   (180 bytes , 31reads )
只是从这些看来没啥不正常的吧 二荆条   (140 bytes , 40reads )
重点当然不一样啦 vililytan   (197 bytes , 39reads )
我觉得新加坡和中国的环境太不同 江湖2016   (284 bytes , 39reads )
是的 结衣酱   (147 bytes , 34reads )
+1 崖士蛮   (18 bytes , 41reads )
是的 夫妻在一起很重要 南瓜同学   (118 bytes , 40reads )
我晕.... 南瓜同学   (242 bytes , 43reads )
楼主他工作的事儿你就别操心了 applesweet   (160 bytes , 47reads )
好吧,你说的对,我承认我现在就是没自信了 结衣酱   (201 bytes , 42reads )
其实不存在什么追不追紧张不紧张的 applesweet   (478 bytes , 42reads )
谢谢理解和安慰 结衣酱   (61 bytes , 38reads )
真的不用胡思乱想的 applesweet   (93 bytes , 44reads )
不作就不会xxxx cqb3172   (0 bytes , 43reads )
lz太闲了。。。辞掉女佣自己带孩子吧 小馋牛   (58 bytes , 44reads )
马上二胎要生了,还是得指望女佣啊,而且这边就我一个人,孤苦伶仃的。 结衣酱   (18 bytes , 41reads )
与其老盯着老公胡思乱想,不如把精力放在自个儿身上 小馋牛   (106 bytes , 40reads )
哈哈 vililytan   (57 bytes , 49reads )
以前异地恋的时候他在国内的四大事务所,不比现在轻松多少。 结衣酱   (120 bytes , 43reads )
我觉得楼主是挺可怜的,怀着别人的孩子别人却觉得把你套牢了 missliz   (84 bytes , 34reads )
我是楼主 结衣酱   (542 bytes , 51reads )
觉得夫妻分居十分不好 唐甬   (83 bytes , 62reads )
嗯,分居时间久了感情就真的淡了 结衣酱   (0 bytes , 35reads )
感觉做个男人也是好累 自信灬微笑   (29 bytes , 51reads )
还没有到出轨的境界,就是觉得重心没在我身上 结衣酱   (0 bytes , 37reads )
我看了觉得lz老公和那个女下属其实挺危险的关系。 love962397   (10 bytes , 45reads )
是啊,他女下属长再难看,但俩人天天相处 结衣酱   (179 bytes , 38reads )
楼主想的有点多 路易十三   (46 bytes , 34reads )
我也希望如此,应该不会对同事下手吧 结衣酱   (48 bytes , 37reads )
单身适龄女青年很容易被温暖的boss感动到 江湖2016   (4 bytes , 38reads )
担心啊,之前在工作中也遇到过这种例子 结衣酱   (58 bytes , 40reads )
lz跟着回去就好 lauchris   (18 bytes , 49reads )
我就是从娃半岁开始 vililytan   (155 bytes , 58reads )
回去养胎回去生 二荆条   (236 bytes , 52reads )
也是醉了 南瓜同学   (102 bytes , 71reads )
南瓜同学 结衣酱   (199 bytes , 81reads )
怎么不看书阿? wintergal   (263 bytes , 37reads )
我以前也梦想这种日子 结衣酱   (87 bytes , 41reads )
上班 yuanman66   (191 bytes , 60reads )
我觉得小孩看到半岁就好了 南瓜同学   (266 bytes , 52reads )
还有 结衣酱   (276 bytes , 74reads )
结衣酱   (71 bytes , 57reads )
结衣酱   (300 bytes , 63reads )
沙发 明年今日   (0 bytes , 46reads )