所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2015-11-19 11:07

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Loh Swee Peng v Chan Kui Kok [2015] SGHC 64

The factor which weighs most strongly with me is that this is, by any measure, a very long marriage. At the date of the hearing, the marriage had endured for 42 years. The longevity of the emotional, parental, social and economic bond between the spouses is to my mind a very weighty factor that overshadows all others. In particular, it causes the importance of the precise ratio of the parties’ direct contributions which were made decades earlier and which I am now attempting assess decades later on imperfect and incomplete evidence to recede into the background. The length of the marriage is a factor which points towards the just and equitable division of the matrimonial assets being an equal division.

Dong Jianrong v Jiang Huaguo [2015] SGHC 56

Equality of division is neither ideal nor the norm (Lock Yeng Fun v Chua Hock Chye[2007] 3 SLR(R) 520 at [55]), but for long marriages such as this, the courts tend to lean towards equality of division. That is because there is no formula or means to determine the differential between the financial and non-financial contribution of the parties with precision. An equal division is also probably the closest the court can effect the parties’ declaration in their matrimonial vow of treating themselves as one.

Wong Sook Kuen v Loh Choon Fah [2015] SGHC 36

Equality of division is neither ideal nor the norm (Lock Yeng Fun v Chua Hock Chye [2007] 3 SLR(R) 520 at [55]), but  for long marriages such as this, the courts tend to lean towards equality of division. That is because there is no formula or means to determine the differential between the financial and non-financial contribution of the parties with precision. An equal division is also probably the closest the court can effect the parties’ declaration in their matrimonial vow of treating themselves as one. Thus in the absence of a better formula, the court will consider equality as justice.

AOB v AOC [2015] SGHC 13

The parties have been married for more than 20 years. Equality of division is neither ideal nor the norm (Lock Yeng Fun v Chua Hock Chye [2007] 3 SLR(R) 520 at [55]), but for long marriages such as this, the courts tend to lean towards equality of division . That is because there is no formula or means to determine the differential between the financial and non-financial contribution of the parties with precision. An equal division is also probably the closest the court can effect the parties’ declaration in their matrimonial vow of treating themselves as one . Thus in the absence of a better formula, the court will consider equality as justice.

Wong Kien Keong v Khoo Hoon Eng [2013] SGHC 275

96 I observed that in most of the cases identified in the sample above, where the wife received 35% of the matrimonial assets, the marriage was generally less than 20 years. On the other hand, for marriages more than 20 years, the wife was awarded 40%.


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这个很可能是女方觉得不靠谱 tracyfyy   (12 bytes , 53reads )
这就是不想好好过日子的节奏了 国大大叔   (6 bytes , 47reads )
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是男方问的,主动问的 有问题   (181 bytes , 91reads )
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存款属于婚后共有财产这一点在新加坡不成立。 love962397   (36 bytes , 85reads )
啊,这样么? micomama   (46 bytes , 57reads )
分了是双方同意。 love962397   (156 bytes , 57reads )
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这也不一定啊! love962397   (154 bytes , 65reads )
是呀 jiatong32   (248 bytes , 66reads )
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这不能推理出想离婚的结果吧 hdeksa   (40 bytes , 65reads )
哦, micomama   (8 bytes , 52reads )
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好奇这个,开销全部男方负责,女方的钱呢,全是自己收着? date123   (200 bytes , 61reads )
有这样的人的。 love962397   (10 bytes , 52reads )
有这样的女生 路易十三   (240 bytes , 55reads )
开眼界了 date123   (0 bytes , 49reads )
所谓开销也是指家庭开销,水电网电视,家具等,一起在外面吃饭也是男方付钱 yoselin   (252 bytes , 64reads )
这算什么安全感啊 vililytan   (46 bytes , 55reads )
是啊,安全感是自己挣的,靠别人给的都不靠谱 date123   (70 bytes , 55reads )
一开始女方非常好 有问题   (134 bytes , 92reads )
这么快就被洗脑了? 依米   (217 bytes , 43reads )
所以说不被父母祝福的婚姻真的需要再三考虑。 eyes   (5 bytes , 60reads )
哎。。。 林小鱼s   (6 bytes , 59reads )