Entry Visa是决定是否可以入境,Social Visit Pass是决定你可以待多久
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2015-08-28 11:22

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我的理解是这个MJV只是省去了以后一段时间内重复申请Visa的麻烦,但是能否待更久还是取决于你能否拿到long term social visit pass


Q1) How do I apply for a 10-year Multiple-Journey Visa (MJV)?

Ans: PRC nationals need not apply separately for a Multiple Journey Visa. Eligible travellers will automatically be granted a visa validity period of up to 10 years when they apply for a visa. ...........

Q2) Who is eligible for a 10-year MJV?

Ans: Generally, PRC nationals will be considered for the 10-year MJV if they have previously visited Singapore and their visa application is supported by relevant Singapore agencies. While every visa application will be assessed on its own merits for eligibility, the validity period of the approved visa can vary.


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