所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2015-05-12 10:43

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7) Living conditions criteria

As an employer, you should provide proper accommodation for your domestic worker. This would constitute a moderately sized room, large enough for your domestic worker to accommodate personal belongings and yet have a decent amount of living space to rest and recuperate in. It is not appropriate nor is it safe to have your domestic worker sleep in any other room but a bedroom . Such inappropriate living accommodations range from storage rooms to kitchens. Not only are such areas ill-designed for your domestic worker to reside in, but they also pose a health risk and are unlikely to afford much needed rest for your domestic worker.

Ensure that your domestic worker’s accommodation meets the following criteria:

I. Adequate shelter from the elements (hot sun, rain or strong winds).

II. Provision of basic amenities such as a mattress, pillow and a blanket.

III. Sufficient ventilation of the room through the use of windows. As Singapore’s tropical weather can be uncomfortably warm and humid, an electrical fan should be provided to assist in ventilation.

IV. Ensure that no harmful equipment or substances (e.g. dangerous mechanical tools or chemicals) are stored in your domestic worker’s accommodations.

V. For considerations of modesty, employers are forbidden to require a domestic worker to share a room with a male adult or teenager.

另外,MOM也是会考虑居住在两房室组屋(只有一个卧室)的家庭申请雇用女佣的,但是雇主必须保证sufficient privacy and sleeping space in the house there the FDW will be staying。


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
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这个听说过 gltdaisy   (84 bytes , 71reads )
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