附上我写给房东但是最终没有用上的shifting notice
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2014-07-03 14:52

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A shifting day notice
To my landlady Ms Tan:
I would like to move out on July 2nd. And 4 keys will be returned on this day. The reasons why I have to move out earlier are as follow:
1. You keep on slandering me, this is a humiliation for me.
You always asks me whether I have touched your forks or spoons in the kitchen. I never touched your forks and spoons, and moreover I’m a clean freak especially in tableware.
You also ask whether I have entered your room. Actually I don’t have your room key. And I never enter others’ room without permission. Even at my own home I will knock on the door and ask for permission before I enter my parents’ room.
In June 13th morning, you accused me of damaging your fridge. It was a little dent in the edge of the fridge. That is not a brand new fridge when I moved in, so any wear and tear on the fridge before I move in is quite possible. You have no proof to show that it was damaged by me. Actually I didn't use your fridge much and I didn’t damage the fridge.
You said that I didn’t flush the toilet after using for several times. I did flushed. And you can’t show any evidence.
On 21st of June you said you saw me entered your room, tried to open your drawer, and stole your money in the previous night. I arrived home very late at night, and at that time you were asleep in your room with the door locked, and I didn't have the key of your room.
2. You asks for unreasonable penalty.
You tell me that because I haven’t stayed for 12 months, I should pay you 3 months’ rental as penalty before July 2nd. But the contract doesn’t include this penalty and it is unreasonable.
You said you want to deduct 50 dollars from my deposit for you thought that I had broken your fridge, later you increased the compensation to 150 dollars. It is an unreasonable demand.
3. You talk to yourself and this stops me from getting a good night’s sleep.
You talk to yourself every day and quarrels with yourself in three kinds of language (including English, Chinese, Hokkien). I am scared about this.
4. You are too stingy.
You don’t allow me to touch the temperature button and ask me to keep the button near the lowest temperature. The shower water is cold when the button is set as your required position. I think it is reasonable to use hot water when I take shower, especially when I am experiencing menstruation.
You keep on slandering me, which made me feel very depressed, humiliated and even homesick every day and can’t focus on my research. As a PhD student, I have wasted too much time on this kind of unnecessary things, so I have to move out as soon as possible.
I am a student on attachment program in NUS, but not employed, therefore, I would be quite appreciate if you could give me back my deposit ($ 600) by today itself.
Thanks & god bless.


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