Drop at the top for work-income earners
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2014-02-19 19:45

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[SINGAPORE] Income of top earners from employment in 2013 fell for the first time since the 2008 recession - the only group to see a drop in income last year.
Resident households in the top 10 per cent income bracket saw average monthly income slip 5.2 per cent in real terms from $11,552 per household member in 2012 to $11,198 in 2013, despite higher economic growth.
The decline was 3.1 per cent in nominal terms and came after a 9.6 per cent jump in nominal terms and 5.1 per cent hike in real terms in 2012, according to the Department of Statistics' "Key Household Income Trends 2013" report.
No official reason was given for the drop, though people in the compensation business speculate that it's partly due to employers giving a bigger raise to younger and junior staff to narrow pay gaps.
Incomes of households headed by those who held jobs as managers fell sharply last year by 8.7 per cent in real terms to $12,047 per household member.
The last time the income of the top earners fell - by 2.6 per cent in real terms - was during the 2008 economic downturn, when all households' incomes were hit.
Except for the top earners, households in all income groups saw income rise in both nominal and real terms in 2013, with the biggest jumps seen in those in the third to sixth deciles (See table).
Incomes of the bottom 10 per cent, which fell 1.2 per cent in real terms in the previous year, increased 2.4 per cent in 2013 from an average monthly income of $440 in 2012 to $463 per household member.
Overall, the median monthly household income from employment grew from $7,570 in 2012 to $7,870 in 2013, up 4.0 per cent in nominal terms and 1.6 per cent in real terms.
The drop in income at the top bracket probably contributed to a narrowing in income gaps last year, as the Gini coefficient - a measure of income inequality - dipped from 0.478 in 2012 to 0.463. If government transfers and taxes are taken into account, the coefficient fell to 0.412 - the lowest since 2000 when the Statistics Department started compiling it.
Resident households overall got an average $3,440 per household member last year - higher than the $2,760 in 2012 - from government schemes such as the Workfare Income Supplement and Growth Dividends.
Households in HDB one- and two-room flats received $8,631 per household member - more than their annual income of $8,264 per member - in government help in 2013, up from $7,210 in 2012.
Over a longer time- frame of five years, incomes rose in all income brackets - including that of the top earners whose incomes tend to fluctuate more. Their income increased 1.0 per cent yearly in real terms during 2008-2013.
Total household income from employment went up 2 per cent per annum during this period. Measured by per household member, it rose 1.9 per cent yearly.

每人都能数出苹果里的种籽,没人能够数出种籽里的苹果。 人生的最高境界是投资,而最有价值的投资是投资于人。
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【吐槽八卦】郁闷的薪水涨幅 nannan2010   (213 bytes , 4959reads )
Drop at the top for work-income earners 新股新人   (2802 bytes , 184reads )
你老公涨得多、拿得多,你应该高兴、肯定才是哦! 雄关漫道   (237 bytes , 117reads )
多大个事啊。。不高兴就让他每月上交给你2k呗。。 奥特曼打小怪兽   (0 bytes , 112reads )
我觉得这个也要看运气的吧,比如有些人钱运就要好些 小白兔乖乖   (76 bytes , 99reads )
谢谢mm。有人可能是运气好吧 nannan2010   (60 bytes , 103reads )
她要双赢,太贪心了。 ninilola   (0 bytes , 109reads )
呃 你老公长得好快 闲置来袭   (0 bytes , 100reads )
没啥概念 GangPao   (33 bytes , 140reads )
lz---> ffnffn   (40 bytes , 151reads )
哦是的 nannan2010   (22 bytes , 157reads )
还是银行? ffnffn   (6 bytes , 147reads )
如果在一个公司没动过4年半有1K多的加薪已经很不错了 AllenC   (502 bytes , 134reads )
他没动过反而是我跳过一次 nannan2010   (79 bytes , 115reads )
我们这种要跳楼了。 ninilola   (0 bytes , 109reads )
是呀。看到这种 ninilola   (56 bytes , 124reads )
行业没有同比性 江南骑马Style   (18 bytes , 142reads )
男生比女生薪水高是应该的吧 shellyshelly   (65 bytes , 123reads )
最近涨了工资瞬间年薪比男友高了几千 刀妹   (241 bytes , 184reads )
这没啥应该不应该的吧 nannan2010   (32 bytes , 108reads )
哇 是说月薪还是年薪啊 小女叶贞   (0 bytes , 137reads )
年薪也太不可能了吧。。。 nannan2010   (4 bytes , 101reads )
牛人。怎样成为牛人呀。 ninilola   (0 bytes , 127reads )
我去年年薪加3000啊 小女叶贞   (0 bytes , 180reads )
看成月薪加了3000=_= windwing   (32 bytes , 103reads )
不多吧 月薪还差不多 小女叶贞   (0 bytes , 175reads )
。。。 纱姿   (77 bytes , 126reads )
薪水涨幅不错嘛 今天你华新了吗   (0 bytes , 119reads )
年薪啊。。 小女叶贞   (0 bytes , 157reads )
知道是年薪,不错啊。起码5%了 今天你华新了吗   (0 bytes , 92reads )
我说的4,5年啊一共加的月薪 nannan2010   (6 bytes , 117reads )
噢 算是很多了啦你 小女叶贞   (0 bytes , 194reads )
多跳槽 江南骑马Style   (63 bytes , 142reads )
20% 3000, 那底薪是15000? 宫崎骏   (0 bytes , 105reads )
如lz题 江南骑马Style   (14 bytes , 117reads )
那也得有本事跳。 ninilola   (0 bytes , 125reads )
他没跳过,我倒是跳过一次 nannan2010   (18 bytes , 122reads )
我才郁闷。 ninilola   (86 bytes , 161reads )
你忘了看,工作4,5年啊,不是一年 nannan2010   (12 bytes , 118reads )
都说人比人,气死人, Roberto_Baggio   (34 bytes , 134reads )
华人特质,比比更健康,哈哈 ffnffn   (0 bytes , 113reads )
因为你底薪高啊。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 济癫   (0 bytes , 152reads )
最开始工作是还可以,可是现在相当落后阿 nannan2010   (10 bytes , 140reads )
你老公工作四年班薪水7k多少人羡慕 ffnffn   (0 bytes , 152reads )
啊啊啊,我都工作六年了!! 大壮壮   (36 bytes , 115reads )
读了phd才出来工作的,他这个年龄 nannan2010   (154 bytes , 158reads )
所以还是PHD好啊... 小诺基亚   (42 bytes , 109reads )
把你老公的公司告诉大家吧 ffnffn   (55 bytes , 167reads )
支持! windwing   (0 bytes , 121reads )
我把lz吓跑了。。。 ffnffn   (0 bytes , 105reads )