所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2014-02-17 20:14

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Is It Better to Win Bronze Than Silver?

Imagine that for most of your life, you have been preparing for the Olympics. You are intensely competitive, and you badly want to win. But you know that in your event, only one person can win Olympic gold, and that only three can bring home a medal. Silver is better than bronze, of course; it’s great to be third in the world, but it’s even better to be second.

Or is it?

Research suggests that in the Olympics, those who finish third are likely to be a lot happier than those who finish second. The reason is that much of our thinking is based on counterfactuals. We like to ask: What else could have happened?

If you finish second, you tend to think that with a little good luck, or maybe a bit of extra effort or skill, you might have gotten the prize of a lifetime: Olympic gold. But if you finish third, you tend to think that with a little bad luck, or without that extra effort or skill, you wouldn’t have gotten the prize of a lifetime: an Olympic medal.

The central evidence was compiled in 1995 by three researchers, Victoria Medvec, now at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Thomas Gilovich of Cornell University and Scott Madey, now at Shippensburg University. They asked 20 objective observers -- people with little or no interest in sports -- to watch clips of a set of silver and bronze medalists, both immediately after their events and on the medal stand. The observers were asked to “code” the happiness of the athletes on a scale of 0 to 8.

The observers, who made their decisions independently, showed quite strong agreement with one another (thus suggesting that the same results would be found with a larger number of them). The results were unambiguous: The bronze medalists were a lot happier. Immediately after the event, their mean rating was 7.1, close to the highest score and far higher than the 4.8 for silver medalists. On the medal stand, the ratings went a bit down for both, but the bronze medalists were still far ahead: 5.7 compared with 4.3.

Medvec and her colleagues also studied interviews of silver and bronze medal winners after their events. They asked a group of observers to rate the athletes’ comments, in those interviews, on a 10-point scale, which was meant to capture gratification or instead disappointment, with “1” meaning “at least I got a medal” and “10” meaning “I almost did better.”

Here too the results were clear. The silver medalists were at an average 5.7 on the 10-point scale, meaning that they were thinking a fair bit about how they could have gotten the gold. By contrast, the bronze medalists were at just 2.37, meaning that they were basking in their own achievement, and weren't making comparisons with those who did better.

These findings are worth keeping in mind as we watch the reactions, sometimes disappointed and sometimes exuberant, of those who fall a bit short in Sochi. They also have broader implications, covering circumstances and events of many kinds. Much of the time, our emotional reactions depend on counterfactuals.

For example, travelers are almost certainly more upset to miss a train or a flight by 5 minutes than by 30 minutes. If you get a 3 percent raise, your reaction is likely to depend on whether you focus on the equivalent of the gold (a 10 percent raise) or instead on something akin to no medal at all (a frozen salary). If you manage to survive a serious illness, you will be a lot better off if you focus on the bad counterfactual (death) than on the good one (not getting the illness at all).

A brilliant Swedish movie from 1985, "My Life As a Dog," tells the tale of Ingemar, a 12-year-old boy who suffers a stream of misfortunes, including the terminal illness of his mother. Amid his struggles, Ingemar has a catchphrase, almost a mantra: “It's important to have things to compare with.”

As comparison points, Ingemar chooses terrible tragedies, such as train wrecks and motorcycle accidents. He concludes that in contrast with those in his comparison set, he has been pretty lucky.

Most of us can't dream of competing in the Olympics, but our well-being often depends on whether we focus on how close we came to the gold -- or on how fortunate we were to grab the bronze.

(Cass R. Sunstein, the Robert Walmsley University professor at Harvard Law School, is a Bloomberg View columnist. He is a former administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, the co-author of “Nudge” and author of “Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideas,” forthcoming in March.)

To contact the writer of this article: Cass R. Sunstein at csunstei@law.harvard.edu.

每人都能数出苹果里的种籽,没人能够数出种籽里的苹果。 人生的最高境界是投资,而最有价值的投资是投资于人。
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
人比人,气死人。 ninilola   (46 bytes , 11002reads )
这就是原因 highjumper   (0 bytes , 71reads )
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他们把论坛搞臭了 方兰生   (16 bytes , 106reads )
纳尼?? 兰道不是被楼上法国的疑似yp贴给搞臭了~ 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 94reads )
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论坛挺有品牌的啊 Aether   (96 bytes , 97reads )
说起来容易,又没违反论坛纪律,凭什么被她们这群烂人欺负。 ninilola   (198 bytes , 91reads )
那就跟阿拉小和尚去唱歌吧,旁边弦外之音,听听你的品味 Aether   (186 bytes , 101reads )
前两天我都停了。结果她们 ninilola   (150 bytes , 99reads )
知道了,走吗? Aether   (36 bytes , 82reads )
不会贴歌。不过刚才听了一首歌挺好听的。 ninilola   (161 bytes , 89reads )
这样贴 Aether   (592 bytes , 91reads )
*** 挽尊 *** 楼上你想太多了。。。其实你把简单事情复杂化, please follow me 功夫熊猫   (217 bytes , 121reads )
谢指教,下次试试 Aether   (0 bytes , 86reads )
哎呀,漏掉了一个关键字符,进来看 Aether   (90 bytes , 92reads )
谢谢你。不过我不想帖了,你自己网上找吧。 ninilola   (230 bytes , 144reads )
郝云的哪一首? Aether   (0 bytes , 90reads )
突然想到理想 ninilola   (0 bytes , 147reads )
嗯,走吧,去那边聊 Aether   (0 bytes , 84reads )
谢谢你。不过我不想聊了,你自己网上聊吧。 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 103reads )
额?阿拉没约你啊?? 阿拉贴错位置了?? Aether   (0 bytes , 86reads )
是阿拉没有这个资格的,只有八万才是熊猫的机油的,阿拉没入他法眼的 Aether   (162 bytes , 87reads )
自作多情呀,哈哈。 ninilola   (48 bytes , 138reads )
u can u up yiyi35   (0 bytes , 81reads )
阿拉不如他们:) 赫赫 Aether   (138 bytes , 90reads )
我觉得大家好像搞错了 有翅膀的乌龟   (254 bytes , 102reads )
她们看不到了,为了黑我而黑。 ninilola   (772 bytes , 101reads )
表吵了,我宣布公司给每人加薪1%,直接打入CPF   (42 bytes , 102reads )
给版主多加点,她要打赏手下一班人呀。 ninilola   (123 bytes , 79reads )
新一轮口水战即将打响 方兰生   (0 bytes , 98reads )
男人海洋   (38 bytes , 72reads )
各位都平静些 dayudu   (216 bytes , 125reads )
你该来当版主! 方兰生   (0 bytes , 91reads )
我只是说出我的看法 dayudu   (40 bytes , 110reads )
不要畏惧暗黑势力,我帮你撑腰 方兰生   (22 bytes , 144reads )
谢谢亲的理解,说的真好~~~ 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 98reads )
为啥还不封掉爆粗口的? dayudu   (0 bytes , 119reads )
很多人都爆了粗口,从哪封起? 方兰生   (132 bytes , 136reads )
混十年才一级 我没指望了 唉 dayudu   (0 bytes , 105reads )
少年加油吧,那天我开大号顶你 方兰生   (5 bytes , 152reads )
大叔不是少年 dayudu   (28 bytes , 107reads )
楼主 我五年没有加薪了 我的浣熊   (58 bytes , 112reads )
别哭,有我陪你。等我发达了,拉你一把。 ninilola   (26 bytes , 79reads )
好人呐! 我的浣熊   (14 bytes , 82reads )
人生么~ RMML   (38 bytes , 103reads )
是呀,活得累,深有同感。 ninilola   (72 bytes , 90reads )
累的没空吵架了=,= RMML   (34 bytes , 128reads )
貌似这个帖子里我出现了名字出现了好多次哇~ 青空   (26 bytes , 79reads )
挽尊~ 粗公公临走前   (0 bytes , 79reads )
干嘛比来比去,钱多多少少无所谓,还是开心最重要 小馋牛   (58 bytes , 106reads )
阿拉不会说阿拉也是月光族 Aether   (63 bytes , 86reads )
没想到灯油钱有这么多   (22 bytes , 181reads )
别呀,新加坡和尚才有钱。 ninilola   (0 bytes , 111reads )
有个好爹 方兰生   (0 bytes , 113reads )
谢了,我粑粑确实是个好爹~ 小馋牛   (0 bytes , 101reads )
摒弃华人陋习. 向上看.向前看 Aether   (52 bytes , 93reads )
去年拿了两个月的无薪假,所以今天就没给涨工资~ 奔三的小妇人   (103 bytes , 109reads )
觉得合理啊。你拿unpaid leave嘛。 vickychen   (47 bytes , 114reads )
好郁闷呀。这次一定要跳到我要的薪水。 ninilola   (0 bytes , 99reads )
看了去年的kelly report 一米阳光   (42 bytes , 138reads )
我觉得看到自己的pay是market rate心更凉 oglop   (23 bytes , 102reads )
market rate 也有个range呀 一米阳光   (109 bytes , 111reads )
默默地去翻了下kelly report oglop   (127 bytes , 116reads )
不要说太伤心了。 ninilola   (0 bytes , 87reads )
那就升职再跳。 ninilola   (0 bytes , 88reads )
我刚才去看了,我也严重underpaid. ninilola   (27 bytes , 110reads )
在哪里看呢? 奔三的小妇人   (0 bytes , 102reads )
网上搜。 ninilola   (0 bytes , 88reads )
早就不比的飘过 大B   (0 bytes , 120reads )
心态好。怎么练的? ninilola   (63 bytes , 102reads )
拿银牌的比拿铜牌的更为不满zt 新股新人   (4689 bytes , 197reads )
quite true. Aurae   (458 bytes , 75reads )
隔得远比没有意义,国人喜欢跟四大家族比。 ninilola   (0 bytes , 97reads )
this article sounds very good 小诺基亚   (0 bytes , 103reads )
已经5年不涨工资的人皮妖过~ 八萬   (17 bytes , 150reads )
为什么要攀比呢? 今天你华新了吗   (245 bytes , 169reads )
这个帖子里明明很多人说自己加薪很少没加薪的啊 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 98reads )
你好喜欢给华新扣帽子啊orz。。 青空   (0 bytes , 91reads )
这个帽子扣得不对吗? 今天你华新了吗   (49 bytes , 94reads )
这个帖子不是都在说自己工资低么。。 青空   (84 bytes , 84reads )
可以不抽自己的嘴巴吗? 今天你华新了吗   (0 bytes , 101reads )
咦难道不是么? 青空   (36 bytes , 87reads )
智商是硬伤 今天你华新了吗   (0 bytes , 114reads )
之后的回复也都是告诉lz自己加薪也少神马的 青空   (63 bytes , 80reads )
第一个回复说加薪只有1600多一年,第二个说一开始工资不到2000 青空   (47 bytes , 93reads )
这些没有攀比,我们都是底层人士。 ninilola   (48 bytes , 89reads )
阿拉不是底层人士,不是说了吗,每个月几万块新币不够花的啊:) Aether   (40 bytes , 83reads )
楼上的真的没有被盗号码?? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 78reads )
她说话口吻从头到尾都一致。关键是"那个楼主"可能是不同楼的楼主。 飞行的鱼   (0 bytes , 115reads )
关你什么事,你帮谁就直说 方兰生   (82 bytes , 112reads )
你真是旁观者?那又关你什么事呢?好莫名呀 Stella小苏   (42 bytes , 91reads )
安梯 方兰生   (0 bytes , 117reads )
你也被关紧闭啦 今天你华新了吗   (179 bytes , 91reads )
知道了,阿拉下了,大家周末开心 Aether   (138 bytes , 87reads )
哦,这么犀利的猛女应该叫 方兰生   (368 bytes , 161reads )
侮辱性言论禁言三天 administrator   (0 bytes , 79reads )
就不能不扮可爱啊? Aurae   (180 bytes , 86reads )
笨死你算了,你不会查帖子啊,应该这样叫,洛莉塔洛莉塔洛莉塔 Aether   (267 bytes , 131reads )
侮辱性言论禁言一天 administrator   (0 bytes , 84reads )
安替安替安替安替安替 方兰生   (506 bytes , 152reads )
不好意思,如果你说的是我的话,你在造谣。 Stella小苏   (44 bytes , 324reads )
哪。。。。哪个LZ。。。。? 青空   (0 bytes , 76reads )
楼主不是你吗?难道是掉马甲了?还是真精分? 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 82reads )
你不是楼主吗·····我快精分了 天行   (0 bytes , 73reads )
她说的是那个nana什么的 暗霓   (128 bytes , 91reads )
我现在好像懂了,你好像是对的。点赞!!! 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 88reads )
我是楼主。那个小叶跟小妖一伙的合伙攻击我,搞事的。 ninilola   (64 bytes , 78reads )
你不要欺负小妖,她正修行,你早来500年,早给她灭了:) Aether   (61 bytes , 88reads )
切,来吧。 ninilola   (694 bytes , 93reads )
你只知道她的厉害,却不知道她的委屈和艰难:) Aether   (183 bytes , 97reads )
哪个楼主和那个楼主和你这个楼主到底是哪个楼主 天行   (0 bytes , 78reads )
跟老公比的那个楼主不就是你吗?。。。 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 87reads )
怎么越看越乱。。。 Stella小苏   (82 bytes , 92reads )
我也精分了……看来有人在下一盘很大的棋 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 78reads )
对对对~我好像没说你乱扣帽子吧? 青空   (0 bytes , 86reads )
没有 今天你华新了吗   (24 bytes , 97reads )
我不知道诶,如果你觉得那个这个帖子是攀比那就是呗 青空   (102 bytes , 88reads )
你这个人,刚刚说我帽子扣对了 今天你华新了吗   (26 bytes , 83reads )
没说你错啊,只说你艹率啊~不是说了你觉得是就是呗~~ 青空   (0 bytes , 115reads )
噢那个贴叫做攀比晒甜蜜啊 Eight   (473 bytes , 103reads )
点赞,某些人就是看不得别人半点好 weareone   (67 bytes , 113reads )
八姐很喜欢偷换概念哦 今天你华新了吗   (385 bytes , 115reads )
另外加一句,不要动不动就说华新上的人都怎么怎么样。至少比来比去是这贴的l[…] 小叶女贞   (175 bytes , 95reads )
喂。话要说清楚,说什么比呀比, ninilola   (122 bytes , 119reads )
楼主不就是你吗?。。。 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 72reads )
你针对的就是我呀。 ninilola   (102 bytes , 74reads )
我哪里针对你了,以后我不回复你了好吧。。。 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 78reads )
刚没看到上面那条掉马甲的,这还没看懂,我以为这个lz说的是戒指贴那个lz[…] 小叶女贞   (26 bytes , 85reads )
的确如此,你真是精神分裂症呀。 ninilola   (238 bytes , 89reads )
什么男孩子orz…… Stella小苏   (81 bytes , 113reads )
我是不爱说脏话的,真的说不过你,要秀下限,也不是大娘你的对手 小叶女贞   (79 bytes , 87reads )
我证明楼上不是单身 今天你华新了吗   (46 bytes , 103reads )
这位兄台 小叶女贞   (102 bytes , 105reads )
早知道你有圣衣账号 今天你华新了吗   (68 bytes , 100reads )
也是无聊之人,穿着马甲喷人! Binbinliang   (377 bytes , 76reads )
黑木耳都说自己是单身 方兰生   (0 bytes , 103reads )
说什么都抹杀不了你约炮的事实呀w Stella小苏   (32 bytes , 98reads )
那到是真的。 ninilola   (128 bytes , 82reads )
晚安,另,你的有关宗教的言论已经记录在案,未来若有咨询,务请予以配合 Aether   (204 bytes , 95reads )
我也没说什么的,陈述他们的生活状态而以,反而羡慕他们。我头痛了, ninilola   (264 bytes , 158reads )
新加坡法律,宗教/种族/语言要慎重,阿拉不评论的,:) Aether   (162 bytes , 99reads )
我知道,开玩笑而已,不过真和尚 ninilola   (162 bytes , 152reads )
哈哈,当然阿拉不是真和尚啊 Aether   (233 bytes , 87reads )
啊呀,和尚也懂俗世呀,不过想想也是的。 ninilola   (308 bytes , 141reads )
哈哈党,这个知识阿拉小 和尚都知道的啊 Aether   (133 bytes , 89reads )
暗讽我懂得这些?继续 ninilola   (250 bytes , 137reads )
没什么嘛 Stella小苏   (159 bytes , 109reads )
去看阿拉的帖子,好好学习,天天向上,这个苏版主当年也许也有你类似的经历的:) Aether   (184 bytes , 94reads )
你想说什么?直接点。 ninilola   (135 bytes , 135reads )
我没空掺和 Stella小苏   (151 bytes , 101reads )
你想掺和? ninilola   (139 bytes , 96reads )
她是言行一致呀。我是被逼得, ninilola   (208 bytes , 88reads )
好长见识啊…… Stella小苏   (70 bytes , 119reads )
哇,不要这么刻薄吧,口德啊口德 Aether   (32 bytes , 100reads )
哇噻,劲爆呀。 ninilola   (368 bytes , 83reads )
你知道自己有下限呀,看看自己的发言。 你的 ninilola   (286 bytes , 76reads )
追了半天贴看到掉马甲真是吐血三升啊 宫崎骏   (40 bytes , 83reads )
什么是yp啊 灵山   (0 bytes , 106reads )
yp是约炮 Stella小苏   (23 bytes , 90reads )
他乡版的。。约p 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 92reads )
哦哦哦。。。没想到啊。。。 灵山   (0 bytes , 84reads )
她口中的"那个楼主"是指结婚戒子的楼主 飞行的鱼   (109 bytes , 93reads )
可是她说“那个lz”和老公比,明明只有这个帖的楼主才提了自己和老公工作薪[…] 小叶女贞   (70 bytes , 78reads )
可能我看错了。我也不清楚是哪个楼主了。 飞行的鱼   (102 bytes , 81reads )
又来帮工的,你主子真是忙呀。 ninilola   (22 bytes , 75reads )
你瞎了眼,我什么时候说了。 ninilola   (135 bytes , 70reads )
可能楼主提的是这个帖子 有靓宝的生活   (352 bytes , 92reads )
你是对的!哈哈,弄混了 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 84reads )
我甩你一巴掌,然后说道歉,可以吗? ninilola   (179 bytes , 80reads )
看到了吧,这群人是如何黑人的。 ninilola   (235 bytes , 76reads )
戒指那个lz哪里和老公比了……? 青空   (0 bytes , 82reads )
戒指怎么跟老公比? 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 70reads )
这个楼主说戒指帖的楼主和她老公比…… Stella小苏   (62 bytes , 102reads )
她说她两天没有来,只是前两天。而另外个人天天都在。 飞行的鱼   (0 bytes , 95reads )
戒子贴我都没有读www 没有办法回答你啊ww 飞行的鱼   (19 bytes , 99reads )
一般来说戒指是男送女或一人一只嘛 女的拿自己的戒指和老公比嘛?怎么比嘛。。。 Stella小苏   (32 bytes , 80reads )
不懂啊,太复杂了,我这样的低级智商根本不够用 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 97reads )
按我说这件事是你不对 Eight   (293 bytes , 85reads )
你自己又是什么东西呢。有本事不进来,滚远点。 ninilola   (0 bytes , 76reads )
高级黑 方兰生   (0 bytes , 91reads )
艾玛,你说太对了,我就是手贱总要去回帖……+1 小妖霖霖   (151 bytes , 73reads )
艾玛,你说太对了,我就是手贱总要去回帖…… 小叶女贞   (140 bytes , 79reads )
你知道自己贱呀。现在有点脑细胞了,不然你主子 ninilola   (14 bytes , 80reads )
掉马甲了? 天行   (0 bytes , 79reads )
题目就叫”人比人,气死人”,不知道是谁不识字???再说我也没觉得这算什么[…] 小叶女贞   (240 bytes , 91reads )
如此小心眼,抠字眼,作为旁观者,我都看不下去了 方兰生   (18 bytes , 101reads )
戒指帖的lz发帖的时候根本没说男友答应了买2k的戒指,主贴里她说的是要结[…] 小叶女贞   (294 bytes , 81reads )
原来在华新提及以前发过的帖子就代表被那个帖子刺伤啦 今天你华新了吗   (25 bytes , 120reads )
兄台,目前为止,我所有回你的帖子态度都很好很尊重,希望你也一样。你偷换小[…] 小妖霖霖   (132 bytes , 96reads )
怎么哪都有你掺一腿呀? ninilola   (204 bytes , 103reads )
你好暴躁。。。会老的快的。。。。 青空   (0 bytes , 80reads )
你怎么又出来喷人啊,不像话,那有你这样做人的, 方兰生   (0 bytes , 101reads )
- =这哪里是喷了。。。你的G点也太低了吧。。。。。 青空   (72 bytes , 74reads )
做人要积点德,你又是想挑起人民内部矛盾 方兰生   (68 bytes , 116reads )
都说了不是喷了。。算了您继续自言自语自挂马甲吧~~~~ 青空   (0 bytes , 73reads )
我擦我说了两遍我没喷人…你直接无视然后开始说教了? 青空   (191 bytes , 75reads )
你发言之前也要考虑下别人感受啊,别瞎针对人 方兰生   (20 bytes , 105reads )
球正事做····闲的蛋疼 天行   (0 bytes , 67reads )
对楼主遭遇深表同情,这个版主还私自泄露用户隐私,没一点职业道德。 方兰生   (0 bytes , 113reads )
这个不知道。去看看 ninilola   (0 bytes , 72reads )
咦,这个yp的还没被ban么? 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 78reads )
小叶说我被钻石刺伤了眼睛不是中伤 今天你华新了吗   (60 bytes , 89reads )
男的女的啊,男的欺负女孩子不乖啊 Aether   (79 bytes , 78reads )
小叶说你你就说她去啊,说我这是个什么事呢 小妖霖霖   (18 bytes , 86reads )
这不是在你地盘嘛 今天你华新了吗   (58 bytes , 115reads )
哎 又偷换概念,也没回答我说你偷换概念的事。 小妖霖霖   (22 bytes , 85reads )
其实你最厉害了,版主大人。 ninilola   (50 bytes , 107reads )
好吧我回帖的时候我只看了主帖,没看后面那些回复,主帖不是这个意思、至少我[…] 小妖霖霖   (229 bytes , 83reads )
点32个赞~ alive   (0 bytes , 81reads )
心情和他乡两个版主互相顶,真有趣 今天你华新了吗   (14 bytes , 101reads )
互相。。??? 青空   (0 bytes , 85reads )
点32个赞 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 100reads )
点赞~! yukimura05   (0 bytes , 83reads )
出门去厕所接水这段太搞了。。。。 Contax   (0 bytes , 110reads )
八姐的回帖总是那么犀利! 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 86reads )
话是这么说, ninilola   (78 bytes , 150reads )
我觉得不光是华新的问题 Itachi   (24 bytes , 126reads )
论坛风气全看管理员,华新的管理者不做工啊,请的些什么版主 方兰生   (0 bytes , 102reads )
我今天在艳遇帖里已经说了,我是花钱当的版主,只要给华新交钱,就可以当版主[…] 小妖霖霖   (100 bytes , 97reads )
这么不负责任的回帖,亏你好意思 今天你华新了吗   (0 bytes , 90reads )
我是认真的。华新搬迁服务器,怕不稳定,至少半年内两边服务器都在交钱。 小妖霖霖   (48 bytes , 96reads )
你的意思是交维护费就可以当版主? 今天你华新了吗   (0 bytes , 87reads )
哈哈哈,不由想给您手动点个赞!!! Contax   (6 bytes , 119reads )
无脑喷,回复你完全是在侮辱我的智商 方兰生   (0 bytes , 106reads )
U can u up lah! OCD   (29 bytes , 265reads )
哈哈哈点赞~~~顺便虎摸无辜被喷的楼上 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 92reads )
什么意思? 方兰生   (24 bytes , 99reads )
真的太好学了! OCD   (163 bytes , 156reads )
哟,清空的亲友团啊 方兰生   (12 bytes , 122reads )
侮辱性言论 administrator   (0 bytes , 81reads )
不需要是亲友团,看帖子的明眼人都看得见。 OCD   (58 bytes , 148reads )
我骂的是狗。。。没骂人 ,不是针对你啊。。。真的不是针对你 方兰生   (0 bytes , 119reads )
呵呵。 OCD   (302 bytes , 134reads )
去吧去吧,你几岁小孩阿,被人骂狗还呵呵,我去年买了个表 方兰生   (0 bytes , 101reads )
noway!这人想up也不行,绝对不可万万不可 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 80reads )
淡定呗淡定呗 Itachi   (146 bytes , 132reads )
所以我不回国呀。 ninilola   (24 bytes , 139reads )
那就多比比不如你的呗 Itachi   (70 bytes , 147reads )
的确如此。快挂了。 ninilola   (2 bytes , 132reads )
你这心态太极端了 Itachi   (28 bytes , 94reads )
别生气了阿,不要因为别人事情伤了自己的心啊~ AllenC   (371 bytes , 143reads )
谢谢你的安慰。 ninilola   (56 bytes , 110reads )
没什么的 江南骑马Style   (32 bytes , 131reads )
淡定 ffnffn   (36 bytes , 135reads )
那是以前。 ninilola   (154 bytes , 130reads )
求银行收了我吧。。。 ffnffn   (0 bytes , 113reads )
我以为你在银行。 ninilola   (1 bytes , 129reads )
不错了。第一次加薪只有120 灵山   (19 bytes , 130reads )
年薪阿亲 ffnffn   (12 bytes , 119reads )
是啊,比我好嘛! 灵山   (0 bytes , 124reads )