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是三个外国游客写的。他们在机场打的被宰,后来发现了很生气于是向各个部门投诉,也写信到Straits Times的Forum。官方回复我没有保存,但是记得是陪了钱给他们。

The Straits Times (Singapore)

Cabby touts damage Singapore's reputation

June 24, 2005 Friday

Jason Grafstrom Canada, Hamza Cakir Turkey and Deborah Lundberg (Ms) USA

WE ARE three visitors from Canada, Turkey and the United States. First, let us say that our time spent in Singapore has been wonderful. The city is beautiful, the people are friendly, and the food is exotic.

However, our Singapore experience has been scarred by some dishonest taxi drivers. All three of us had identical experiences. Our tale of woe and deceit started at Changi Airport. After we collected our bags and entered the arrivals hall, we were approached by taxi drivers offering their services.

We told them our destination and they quoted us a price of $35 to $50. It was not until we reached our hotel that we found out that we had been cheated.

Our hotel is in Katong and a taxi ride from Changi Airport costs only about $9 on the meter. Even with the airport, midnight and peak-hour surcharges, the total fare would only be between $12 and $20.

We believe the cabbies have broken the rules and the law:

They are supposed to queue up with their vehicles in the taxi queue at the arrivals hall.

They stand around inside the arrivals hall, offering their services. This is touting.

They offer a fixed fare and charge exorbitant amounts. This is scalping.

Some of the vehicles are not even taxis but private-hire minivans masquerading as taxis.

Chats with fellow hotel guests revealed that this is a common occurrence at Changi Airport.

With the help of the hotel management, we lodged written and verbal reports with the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), the Land Transport Authority (LTA), the taxi companies and Changi Airport police. The responses we received have been bureaucratic and ineffectual.

The STB said that this is not within its jurisdiction and told us to report the matter to the LTA and the taxi companies, which in turn said they would investigate but have produced no follow-up action. Airport police told us that there are patrols in the arrivals hall but clearly there has been insufficient policing action.

We recommend that the following action be taken:

Changi Airport police should have uniformed patrols and plainclothes officers working undercover in the arrivals hall.

The police should conduct sting operations, with officers acting as tourists, to apprehend the culprits.

Taxi drivers who are found guilty of touting and overcharging should have their taxi and driving licences revoked, and fined and jailed.

A database of dishonest taxi drivers should be set up and shared among taxi companies and regulatory agencies.

Signs in multiple languages warning tourists of such predatory behaviour should be displayed prominently in the arrivals hall.

We write as concerned friends of Singapore. After experiencing the warmth and hospitality of Singaporeans, it is a great shame that a small minority is inflicting such damage to the reputation of the country.

Singapore will be hosting the 117th session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) next month. With 5,000 delegates and journalists coming from over 200 countries and territories, and a billion people watching events in Singapore, we shudder to think of the damage these cabbies will do to Singapore's good name.

We wonder what the consequences would be if the president of the IOC, Mr Jacques Rogge, has the misfortune of taking a ride with an errant cabby. But maybe not. Dr Rogge could end up taking the bus.


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