What's your purpose of life? Find this out, then everything will fall into
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2012-07-21 03:05  评分:

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I get the above conclusion from my own life story, after 3 years of trying out different things + rediscovering myself.

Motto: it's never too late to make the change. It's also alright to make mistakes along the way. The process of finding your purpose of life is far more important than the end result.

My story:

I used to work as RA at A*Star, the project looked promising (boss was ambitious for quality publications), and my boss asked me whether I would like to do PhD with him.
At that time I was already planning to switch career, and was doing Master in Financial Engineering.
The PhD program looked attractive also as the boss made many fanciful promises...

After a few days' self-discovery and intense discussion with friends, I told my boss "No"...

About 12 months later, I resigned, and my boss remained speechless while I was telling him the news. I thought he was shocked, and felt sorry.

Another 6 months later, I found out that my ex-boss was about to go back to the States for faculty position. This time I was the one to get shocked.

Everyone thought I made a successful career change to the $$ making industry.
Only I knew the good, the bad, and the ugly of working 60 hours/week + travelling 1-2 times a month + no time to date etc etc.

I made career change again to teaching after a lot of self-discovery + many more intensive discussions/career counseling. It started a bit half-hearted, as I wasn't even sure whether it was the right move myself.

Another 1.5 years passed, and now I am happily teaching primary school kids, a career I never ever thought about.

Life is good, although the path does not always appear to be beautiful.

I wish you all the success for your future endeavors. I made it, you can as well! :-)

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吐槽, 关于读phd mmmmmmmmmmmmmm   (385 bytes , 10333reads )
反正读不读的,你不用想这么多,后果不会多严重。先放宽心。 freemansugar   (845 bytes , 135reads )
那是导师的问题 woodmen   (24 bytes , 103reads )
看来不少人都被PhD虐心啊… Menuhin_Yang   (398 bytes , 151reads )
祈祷! TallNDark   (483 bytes , 152reads )
What's your purpose of life? Find this out, then everything will fall into Daf   (1753 bytes , 386reads )
Nice words. Great experience. In one[…] 大漠孤烟   (27 bytes , 175reads )
"Find this out, then everything will fall into...its place" Daf   (0 bytes , 205reads )
终于明白,楼是怎样歪掉的哈! 留守妈妈   (0 bytes , 186reads )
...完全理解 月之女祭司   (185 bytes , 199reads )
ls也许跟我和@小妖霖霖 是一届的 trueif   (0 bytes , 192reads )
路过。。。 小妖霖霖   (5 bytes , 203reads )
你最近可以关注起来88888了…… trueif   (20 bytes , 134reads )
09年国内本科毕业,今天硕士毕业 月之女祭司   (14 bytes , 191reads )
本科05级,屁挨屈弟09级…… trueif   (80 bytes , 172reads )
open your mind flyover2010   (188 bytes , 204reads )
理解楼主 蓝雪   (897 bytes , 287reads )
对的,世上没有白吃的午餐,也没有白受的苦:) qmay   (0 bytes , 179reads )
就为了顶你这句! freemansugar   (0 bytes , 99reads )
楼主的ID像极了@蓝黑 …… trueif   (0 bytes , 183reads )
啊 是说我么?我是蓝雪 不是 蓝黑 @@ 蓝雪   (0 bytes , 270reads )
找找工作,或者问下老板可以拿master吗 jinglove   (444 bytes , 245reads )
如果不是特喜欢做研修就不要耽误那个时间贝,转了MASTER的后来也都挺好的阿 1jia1   (0 bytes , 186reads )
虎摸楼主。非常理解这种坚持不下去的心情,尤其是想quit却quit不了的[…] 咩咩吃饭睡觉   (90 bytes , 178reads )
转发去微博了,那边也有蛮多过来人的建议和意见,供lz参考 ada_ada   (150 bytes , 206reads )
mm,咱没什么好怕的,既然来到这个世界上,就没打算活着回去! freemansugar   (149 bytes , 220reads )
给力! 什么都不要怕! 大菠萝   (0 bytes , 163reads )
这口号真带感,哈哈 宫崎骏   (0 bytes , 218reads )
好吧,我来现身说法一下,我就是那个中途退出的 sorakim   (727 bytes , 330reads )
lz,我们都是这么过来的啊!~ 吉吉布埃   (343 bytes , 189reads )
其实,搞研究不是就叫做re-search吗? 香陵居士   (58 bytes , 213reads )
关键看是否真喜欢research了 宫崎骏   (148 bytes , 185reads )
我当时就是轻信了所谓Dr是一生的头衔,仿佛多大荣耀似的,在第三年的时候没quit! freemansugar   (0 bytes , 110reads )
你的degree现在应该还是有价值吧,不用后悔啦 宫崎骏   (57 bytes , 107reads )
说得对 freemansugar   (40 bytes , 93reads )
看来大家都有这么一段虐心的经历啊 olivlly   (140 bytes , 132reads )
我和我男朋友都是博士毕业,虽然开始读的时候的原因目的不一样,但是如果再给我们 小gami   (32 bytes , 347reads )
看来很多读了后悔的。 山涧风笛   (38 bytes , 218reads )
我当时是虚荣的迷恋名校,去读了自己不喜欢也不擅长的学科。写到这里我真是觉得我 小gami   (153 bytes , 240reads )
太正常。。。。 大菠萝   (0 bytes , 178reads )
有时候读了自己喜欢也擅长的学科也会很苦逼 凶鼠   (20 bytes , 179reads )
歪个楼。。。 NND   (99 bytes , 251reads )
一般娶女博士的,差不多也都是男博士了。。。 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (18 bytes , 183reads )
我老公不是,且我身边博士女生朋友的老公都不是。 freemansugar   (0 bytes , 100reads )
也不是,关键老公们压根没觉得娶个女博士值得炫 宫崎骏   (56 bytes , 218reads )
我咋就一直被BS说我不是博士呢…… 小妖霖霖   (39 bytes , 180reads )
因为zz是phd阿,男phd跟普通男青年思路不太一样的,哈哈 宫崎骏   (0 bytes , 172reads )
怎么都知道zz......... 小妖霖霖   (47 bytes , 211reads )
对头啊。我老公也是怎么说的。读个博士也不好找工作啊。也没有觉得娶个博士就怎么样了 925lf   (0 bytes , 207reads )
那应该问问你lg,他想怎么样哎? NND   (0 bytes , 142reads )
目测你来试yr不分的地段~ trueif   (0 bytes , 142reads )
啥是yr。。木有看懂 NND   (8 bytes , 126reads )
哭死,我老板几乎一点不管我, 一点不懂   (60 bytes , 238reads )
我也差不多崩溃了,几度崩溃,几度又劝活自己 一点不懂   (0 bytes , 156reads )
同是天涯沦落人啊 依米   (160 bytes , 93reads )
用户“几度”中枪了 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 147reads )
偷偷告诉你,我也读过博士 daodao   (534 bytes , 312reads )
如果有别的老板愿意收留你,可以考虑转老板后downgrade,只是时间和金钱都需要投入 juliana   (504 bytes , 218reads )
不是所有系都支持downgrade。我们系就不行。 trueif   (0 bytes , 189reads )
那就硬着头皮读下来。。 watercooler   (217 bytes , 174reads )
那你太孤陋寡闻了。。。我当时实验室quit或者不明不白消失的达到1/3 freemansugar   (0 bytes , 231reads )
呵呵...那就是不能坚持下来啊. watercooler   (217 bytes , 202reads )
人家美国的PhD可以很容易转Master吧 凶鼠   (41 bytes , 388reads )
所以说PHD的含量不够高啊。。。 watercooler   (143 bytes , 225reads )
NUS不是fail了QE就可以拿master走人么? 凶鼠   (17 bytes , 404reads )
我们系不行啊。QE fail的话,quit with nothing,不[…] trueif   (10 bytes , 221reads )
你本来就是高级奖学金啊,拿得多,责任也多啊 番小茄   (0 bytes , 138reads )
老板是很关键的 凶鼠   (257 bytes , 204reads )
看个人情况把。。 watercooler   (613 bytes , 234reads )
对女的来说,读PhD就是一种摧残.. yuwu   (0 bytes , 183reads )
上次想起我婆婆说的一句话,拿来这里乱说说 tinayang   (350 bytes , 365reads )
你婆婆说了句讽刺你的话, 结果你还在佩服她蛮厉害的。 某股民的太太   (12 bytes , 237reads )
我佩服她是因为她没读过书能说出这样的话 tinayang   (307 bytes , 213reads )
下次另开一贴,谈谈你婆婆是如何做好婆婆的~~~呵呵 留守妈妈   (0 bytes , 172reads )
我婆婆没什么特点,就是脾气好,忍耐力强,谦卑,不爱管闲事,这是性格的东西 tinayang   (30 bytes , 137reads )
不仅是性格的问题 留守妈妈   (66 bytes , 195reads )
LP有这样豁达想法的男人是幸福滴 NND   (34 bytes , 159reads )
其实婆媳之间就是两个八字和的女人 tinayang   (192 bytes , 189reads )
很赞同。 留守妈妈   (0 bytes , 198reads )
+1 greyrabbit   (65 bytes , 232reads )
我不鄙薄博士,也不吹捧博士 凡人   (686 bytes , 341reads )
我能说我就读了个本科么 唐甬   (0 bytes , 85reads )
有多少人是因为单纯的喜欢读书做研究去读博的 watercooler   (130 bytes , 271reads )
呵呵,你家那个应该是乐在其中吧 凡人   (468 bytes , 207reads )
当时老公老板问他 watercooler   (400 bytes , 265reads )
唉,我家这个除了读书,其他都想捣鼓。。。 凡人   (446 bytes , 257reads )
会读沒有用,会生活或者说学以致用才有用 加菲菲的猫猫   (60 bytes , 120reads )
多好。。。 watercooler   (132 bytes , 199reads )
在公司工作然后读兼职PhD很可能两头都顾不上来 凶鼠   (38 bytes , 226reads )
fyi,已经读完了。。。 watercooler   (17 bytes , 180reads )
那你老公挺强的呵呵 凶鼠   (1 bytes , 163reads )
算是吧。。。 watercooler   (134 bytes , 241reads )
汗,让我等DS老公们颜面何存!你老公被你说得好像成了谢耳朵。。。 功夫熊喵   (51 bytes , 194reads )
cap5.0 wokao !!!! awesome 满分啊全部 我跪了 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 186reads )
他上别的bbs不? trueif   (0 bytes , 154reads )
他只看文学城。 watercooler   (150 bytes , 186reads )
我读书肯定没他好……我科研也没他好…… trueif   (0 bytes , 183reads )
不上论坛的男人消息渠道何来?。。。 trueif   (0 bytes , 149reads )
偶读之前觉得挺喜欢research的,读完了不喜欢了,说实话也真的不是那个料 凶鼠   (285 bytes , 244reads )
我举个手。。。 dengyizhen   (0 bytes , 128reads )
从未有过流片经历的人飘过…… trueif   (0 bytes , 221reads )
不做是不是有点亏阿. watercooler   (97 bytes , 192reads )
纯好奇下,这句话牛在哪里呀,怎么就能让MM当场闭嘴了 猪头three   (158 bytes , 211reads )
我只是说我婆婆基本没读过书能说出这话我觉得还算是逻辑蛮强的,仅此而已 tinayang   (685 bytes , 191reads )
+1 watercooler   (0 bytes , 208reads )
同感。。。 没有逻辑的一句话 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 148reads )
应该意思是既然认为PHD没什了不起是个很矬的事情,为什么这么矬的事情你都搞不定? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 207reads )
真正成功的人士,弄个Prof.可能有点难度,弄个Doc.还是稀松平常的。 济癫   (62 bytes , 177reads )
没文化的路过:曾经很景仰博士,等身边有一个觉得也就这么回事 yuanmoon   (92 bytes , 217reads )
+1!!!焦头烂额形容的好贴切啊!我家这个就是这样啊! Irene   (0 bytes , 153reads )
你在揶揄当朝太子么?。。。 trueif   (0 bytes , 188reads )
哪敢,俺可是良民。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 济癫   (21 bytes , 166reads )
只是可以当场把对方吓闷了。只是比较有气势,毫无逻辑。 trueif   (0 bytes , 139reads )
+1。气场很重要。 功夫熊喵   (0 bytes , 142reads )
同挣扎,么么 wwwendy   (140 bytes , 184reads )
读完了,解放了 dengyizhen   (88 bytes , 178reads )
agree, 其实PhD也是一种工作方式,一种心灵之旅,加了个油啊 功夫熊猫   (4 bytes , 166reads )
读书总是幸福的... yuwu   (20 bytes , 133reads )
楼主的标题意思应该是“楼主是mm” 小妖霖霖   (146 bytes , 184reads )
是毕业了还是转master了啊 加菲菲的猫猫   (0 bytes , 109reads )
很早就读过啦,很佩服你的勇敢和果断。 预期等着他把我辞退,还不如自己走人[…] huayi   (2 bytes , 187reads )
预期等着他把我辞退,还不如自己走人[…] ityiyjgx   (181 bytes , 211reads )
我觉得QE前和交论文前是两个集中痛苦的阶段 alive   (212 bytes , 269reads )
恩,我现在是准备QE的最后阶段了,可是还是对未来的research没有清[…] huayi   (53 bytes , 191reads )
男生就坚持,女生可以考虑退了 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 187reads )
为啥男生就要坚持? 大漠孤烟   (0 bytes , 140reads )
读phd 在男人的一生中应该算是比较单纯和容易的事情了。。。 -_-! 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 152reads )
居然说容易。你让我这种读不上的情何以堪? Sarapo   (0 bytes , 177reads )
单纯是不能缺的,真得很单纯~~~ tinayang   (0 bytes , 137reads )
因为他是霸王~ trueif   (0 bytes , 146reads )
建议lz考虑转成master尽快毕业吧 大漠孤烟   (102 bytes , 217reads )
之前有一封邮件说, downgrade is not an option[…] huayi   (40 bytes , 217reads )
还是给点意见吧。 NND   (681 bytes , 171reads )
那再好好考虑下吧... 大漠孤烟   (266 bytes , 147reads )
毕竟是PHD啊。。。以后都跟你的名字挂钩的头衔呢。。。 trueif   (0 bytes , 180reads )
给DOC. 搓sir跪了 马龙白兰度   (0 bytes , 137reads )
看个人,如果真的感兴趣就读被,如果很suffering的话何苦呢 大漠孤烟   (0 bytes , 137reads )
是男人,就要把自己的Statement of Purpose执行到底!男[…] trueif   (16 bytes , 180reads )
但是有最后读得太痛苦自杀的怎么说? 大漠孤烟   (0 bytes , 154reads )
是男人就不应该自杀,引用坡县高速路上的名言:Think of your […] trueif   (14 bytes , 192reads )
读一年老三岁啊啊啊 番小茄   (0 bytes , 161reads )
虎摸楼主,读PHD就是酱紫的,心灵抗打击能力会受到极大的锻炼 功夫熊猫   (20 bytes , 186reads )
能读下来PhD本身就是一种胜利~~~ 大漠孤烟   (0 bytes , 181reads )
深有同感,能坚持下来的都了不起 绿江河   (45 bytes , 105reads )
楼主,你不是一个人……其实我不是很喜欢不给战略的老板 trueif   (84 bytes , 222reads )
你老板是那个uiuc来的吗? watercooler   (0 bytes , 158reads )
他是我四老板 trueif   (0 bytes , 144reads )
这么多老板,你听谁的啊? watercooler   (20 bytes , 115reads )
我听二老板的,一、三均为挂名的。二老板只给战场,四老板负责帮忙讨论。战略[…] trueif   (24 bytes , 174reads )
你四个老板可以开一桌麻将了~~~ 大漠孤烟   (0 bytes , 175reads )
原来trueif外号是麻将…… 好可怜啊被四个人打 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 185reads )
严重同意, NND   (39 bytes , 137reads )
我和老板一直都是互相看不上,他觉得我很屎,我也觉得他除了鄙视我不会给我很[…] huayi   (11 bytes , 177reads )
你说的那是PHD初级阶段啊,高级阶段是写proposal帮老板去申请项目 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 170reads )
lz应该是在初级阶段吧? trueif   (0 bytes , 175reads )
恩,我整个第二年都在自己摸索,老板每次meeting就是把我批一顿,没有[…] huayi   (16 bytes , 169reads )
同意,一个好的有远见的老板很重要 凡人   (35 bytes , 167reads )
可以想想当时为啥要读PhD 干什么的   (92 bytes , 193reads )
你不喜欢你的专业? yuwu   (14 bytes , 166reads )