所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2012-01-13 15:45  评分:  更多评分:

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AP-F: Alan Photo, #02-07 Funan The IT Mall | 6883-0922 | alanfoto@singnet.com.sg
AP-S: Alan Photo, #01-38 Sim Lim Square | 6336-0922 | alanfoto@singnet.com.sg
BC: BargainCity.com.sg
CP-1: Cathay Photo, #01-11, 14 Peninsula Plaza (Main) | 6337-4274 | email@cathayphoto.com.sg
CP-2: Cathay Photo, Peninsula (Printer Section) | 6338-7783 | email@cathayphoto.com.sg
CP-3: Cathay Photo, Peninsula (Tripod Section) | 6338-0451 | email@cathayphoto.com.sg
CP-M: Cathay Photo, #02-215, Marina Square | 6339-6188 | email@cathayphoto.com.sg
HN: Harvey Norman (various)
IP: Iphoto (formally known as Lord's Camera) 304 Orchard Road, #01-79, Lucky Plaza, Singapore 238863 | 6235 4248 | 6235 4605 | iphoto78@yahoo.com.sg
JO: John 3:16, #05-37 Funan Digitalife Mall | 6337-2877 | 6337-1897 | j316ps@gmail.com
MS: MS Color (Main), 711 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8, #01-3501C | 6457-6380 | sales@mscolor.com.sg
MS: MS Color (AMK Hub), 53 Ang Mo Kio Ave 3 #02-24 | 6452-2828 | sales@mscolor.com.sg
OP: Orient Photo, #06-31 | 53 Sim Lim Square | 6339-1035 | sales@orientfoto.com.sg
PA-N: Parisilk (North), 7 Transit Road | 6452-1593
PA-HV: Parisilk (Central), 15A Lorong Liput | 6466-6002
PA-E: Parisilk (East), Blk 214 #01-179 Bedok Central | 6441-6066
SLRR: SLR Revolution, #05-K7 Funan Digitalife Mall | 6336-8767 | rayslr.revo@gmail.com
TCW: The Camera Workshop, 3 Coleman Street #01-31 | 6336-1956 6336-7808 | tcwkshop@singnet.com.sg
TK: T.K. Foto Technic, #02-14 Funan Digitalife Mall | 6292-4533 | sales@tkfoto.com.sg | www.tkfoto.com.sg


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