我的 理解是
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2009-08-02 03:52

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
当你读本科 每个月给500 时, 你很省吃简用,很少出去校园, 结果也够了
当你读 master or Phd, earn 1500 - 2500 /month, you realize still nothing to save because you start to eat in restaurants.

这是因为 在这里, 你的真实消费需要是 大概 2000 左右。

但是当你 工作每个作 earn 3000 - 5000, you start to shop in branded shops in Orchid road, in the end of each month, you probably can save some money.

Still when you earn more, say 8000 - 20000 per month, you realize you save most of your money.

Still when you earn more than 20K per month, you start to concern about how to spend your money. Normal goods, no problem, but probably still not enough if you think about big things, like branded sports car.

..... wonder never cease, similarly human desire never cease!!!

Only when you are billionares like Mr Gates, you start to think about what is the meaning of Money. Then you start to donate money for charity.

haha, sounds logical?


Be bold, be bold, everywhere be bold!
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
为什么500一个月花光光,现在工作了还是花光光? 2m16s   (38 bytes , 2151reads )
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恒源祥 功夫熊猫   (74 bytes , 379reads )
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欲壑难填哪 九妹   (0 bytes , 279reads )
??? Dinosaur   (0 bytes , 269reads )
月光已经不错了。。。我平均每个月还要超支1,2k。。。 杀着大全   (22 bytes , 308reads )
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能负载, 证明有钱途啊 Dinosaur   (0 bytes , 197reads )
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就是,咋个办嘛。。。 2m16s   (0 bytes , 202reads )
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要好好检讨哦! 小土   (113 bytes , 463reads )
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同飘…… 超级牛仔   (23 bytes , 497reads )
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...这里大牛多得很 超级牛仔   (82 bytes , 340reads )
...... zZZ_maoer   (103 bytes , 366reads )
part-time master ah? 超级牛仔   (14 bytes , 331reads )
是的呢...... zZZ_maoer   (15 bytes , 228reads )