Woman attacked in park near NUS
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2008-06-20 00:00

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By Carolyn Quek and Sujin Thomas

POLICE cordoned off a construction site in Clementi on Thursday and took blood samples from about 200 foreign workers hours after a woman was sexually assaulted in a nearby park.

The victim, believed to be a National University of Singapore student in her mid-20s, was attacked on Wednesday night at around 10.40pm.

It is believed that she was set upon while walking on a footpath through the Clementi Woods Park, which is just opposite the university.

While the police would not comment on the nature of the offence, The Straits Times understands that the Special Operations Command (SOC) was activated.

The unit is used to maintain public and during tactical operations, among other things.

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Woman attacked in park near NUS icky   (731 bytes , 1689reads )
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表教坏小孩子.... 毒鼠强   (14 bytes , 133reads )
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心脏很硬,一点也不软。 毒鼠强   (18 bytes , 141reads )
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汗 我信。。。 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 128reads )
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............. 毒鼠强   (0 bytes , 128reads )
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也刚刚知道,恐怖。提高警惕。 竹韵   (0 bytes , 173reads )
以前经常凌晨左右从那里走的,,,,,似乎当时也没想过什么的走过来走过去,,,, k-kk-kkk   (0 bytes , 180reads )