70, not bad
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2006-08-02 13:27

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

天下英雄, 忠直豪杰言无隐, 志垂日月保江山,
古今八风吹不动天地月, 改尽这江山昔旧,
自古人生谁无死, 留取丹心照汗青。

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
Life expectance calculation 神州六号   (214 bytes , 1376reads )
80.... 水乡情怀   (131 bytes , 166reads )
79. need to improve life quality a bit to live 100 ah... box   (0 bytes , 167reads )
73 邓可   (3 bytes , 228reads )
75。。。不够。。明明偶手上的生命线很长的嘛。。。 云想霓裳   (4 bytes , 183reads )
73. too long.... 小和尚花花   (0 bytes , 196reads )
81 嚏嚏   (93 bytes , 193reads )
80 for male, 81-82 for female box   (0 bytes , 154reads )
想象一下你81岁的样子... :D 神州六号   (0 bytes , 172reads )
71 simomo   (23 bytes , 199reads )
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78 blackhawk   (0 bytes , 232reads )
78 归海一刀   (0 bytes , 323reads )
77 小雪   (0 bytes , 201reads )
72.. 小雪   (0 bytes , 198reads )
汗~~刚才体重填成150kg了. 小雪   (0 bytes , 193reads )
150KG? 11点50分   (2 bytes , 181reads )
居然能活过70啊... 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 159reads )
70, not bad 江南渔夫   (41 bytes , 213reads )
77 香辣蟹   (0 bytes , 234reads )
好像顶限是80 鱼片粥   (0 bytes , 173reads )
66.25 ... sigh ... reaching soon 神州六号   (0 bytes , 198reads )
take it ez, still have more than 10 year... 小雪   (0 bytes , 176reads )
10 years is a short time ... 神州六号   (114 bytes , 266reads )