所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2005-07-15 18:20  评分:

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刚来新加坡的时候,觉得这边女孩子身材好棒,穿着清爽干练,很漂亮。可是久了以后发现,女孩子的打扮千篇一律。身材好的当然穿什么都惹人眼球,可是身材一般的呢,却也是不合身的t-shirt加jeans, 难免让人产生疑问。
难道这边的女孩子真的不注重穿着吗? 那岂不是太可惜了,这么一个热情如火的国度,也算国际化,女孩子们,特别是大学女生,应该成为一道丰富多彩的风景线的。 天气热不是借口,看看人家香港,再热也是一波波的时尚追赶着。今天看了一片文章,嗯,了解了一些,总结如下:
第一,她们还是比较注重打扮的: Arguably, having the right dress sense and looking good in school can help present a good image and grab the attention of that cute guy in your class.
但是,某种程度来说,她们也许真的由于从小的环境缺乏对时尚的嗅觉。 Admittedly, dressing up can be quite a chore. Suddenly, girls who are so used to their college uniforms are faced with the challenge of deciding what to wear to school everyday. Such a drastic change can be quite a traumatic culture shock.
一直觉得奇怪,牛仔裤这么热,为什么会成为本地女孩的最爱?Campus style is basically about jeans, jeans and more jeans. Jeans are the most versatile outfit. You can wear the same pair of jeans for a week and not get noticed that those pair of denims need a wash! They keep you warm and comfortable in freezing lecture theaters and help you negotiate steps quickly when you are late.
大部分上衣都是纯色吊带或者tshirt,即使是atrs的女生。Just wear your favourite jeans with a wide array selection of tops. You can also glam up your look by decking in various accessories from dangling earrings to chunky bracelets.
好奇怪好奇怪,不公平不公平。俺就最喜欢穿pp连衣裙或者是吉普赛风格的衣服。If you prefer skirts, denim, flirty flair and gypsy skirts make you stand out from the crowd.


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
关于新加坡的时尚感悟 想要有个家   (1799 bytes , 1475reads )
嗯,这里的女孩子是不会在学校里真的打扮的。 大萝卜   (176 bytes , 410reads )
终于找到个能表达我的意思的了 simomo   (20 bytes , 295reads )
关于新加坡(大学)的时尚感悟-继续 想要有个家   (1220 bytes , 630reads )
继续 想要有个家   (277 bytes , 525reads )
还好吧 过眼云烟   (167 bytes , 353reads )
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