所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2004-10-23 00:14

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

。o 0 O ()
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
测验IQ -http://www.xp13.com/test/iq2.htm 1985   (0 bytes , 950reads )
169 老实忠厚   (80 bytes , 270reads )
你不厚道 dididada   (0 bytes , 201reads )
me-149 1985   (0 bytes , 212reads )
159 NiO   (0 bytes , 204reads )
wah.....so high score wor..... then im be the last one wor........... crayon   (0 bytes , 203reads )
144 无聊至极   (94 bytes , 231reads )
是不是和时间有关系?感觉都没什么问题的,只有129分 dididada   (0 bytes , 178reads )
me....128 point...... crayon   (0 bytes , 179reads )
Because you are the first to post the score lor 瞎说实话   (90 bytes , 289reads )
some question didnt how to answer...... :p crayon   (0 bytes , 194reads )
hehe.....is some questions didnt know how to answer... ... paiseh.. crayon   (0 bytes , 178reads )