所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2004-09-19 16:26  评分:

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Eh wake up ur idea please,i not sure who u think u are, but u are not the centre of the universe. Everyone got his own right,and i just dun wish to be associated with u in any way. You make me uncomfortable in any aspect. I am not confuse, and very clear of what i want, so dun think u noe exactly of what i want ok.Dun think for me.

No point writing so much k...

Bottomline: I feel comfortable being ur friend.that's all. i got to choose of wat i want. plz repect on this k.just forget me ok.... I believe there are many in people in ur social circle, surely u got other good friends around, with me in it or not surely dun matter to u.

No need to reply,i am not bothered to noe what u think....

Just want u to stop wasting ur time on me as well. U head on with ur life n move on well :)

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