所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2004-09-17 20:27

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
真想这样,但是, 又有点不甘心啊。哎。。

算了,不说了。 世界上幸福的人到处有,我将会是其中一个。我要继续乐观!

醉笑陪君三万场,不诉离伤。 i want happiness, i seek happiness, to bring you happiness, to be your happiness...
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
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顺便回答一下。 美丽猪   (395 bytes , 234reads )
我说错了还不好吗?如果影响不好的话请大家批评我。 美丽猪   (304 bytes , 209reads )
自信而容忍,那个男孩才会看上你的风度。保持你们的关系,攻心为上。 guigui   (0 bytes , 116reads )
多谢! 但是我是直来直往的人。。。 美丽猪   (131 bytes , 163reads )
也许你朋友跟你想得一样 痛并快乐着   (12 bytes , 196reads )
说的也是。 美丽猪   (0 bytes , 85reads )
爱情面前人人平等,凭什么人家追就是不要脸啊? Voyage   (63 bytes , 256reads )
是我的我绝对不会放过。 美丽猪   (323 bytes , 199reads )
如果真的平等的话,当然不会用不要脸这个词! 美丽猪   (826 bytes , 222reads )
谢谢你。但是。。 美丽猪   (92 bytes , 185reads )
好了,乖~ Voyage   (128 bytes , 157reads )
您说的这句话真是太有道理了!!!!佩服。 美丽猪   (449 bytes , 135reads )
but? 有话想说   (188 bytes , 169reads )
shit, i like him . very much. . 美丽猪   (188 bytes , 229reads )
你根本就没读懂我刚才的话 有话想说   (394 bytes , 216reads )
此话有理,赞,顶 勇敢的绝对值   (0 bytes , 104reads )
o..... 美丽猪   (100 bytes , 157reads )
believe your BF 鱼片粥   (17 bytes , 191reads )
not yet 美丽猪   (0 bytes , 105reads )
Then fight for it~~ 鱼片粥   (281 bytes , 264reads )
谢谢。异性之间可以做朋友 美丽猪   (107 bytes , 209reads )
hehe...所以我说做好朋友比较好塞 鱼片粥   (0 bytes , 134reads )
Coz I am not going to let her mess up my life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 美丽猪   (1027 bytes , 324reads )
if you are confident, why are you heartbroken? 绿油油   (401 bytes , 250reads )
thanks for replying , and what i want to say is.. 美丽猪   (712 bytes , 164reads )
life is short, spend it to love those worth loving, 绿油油   (59 bytes , 159reads )
tack så mycket! 美丽猪   (0 bytes , 312reads )
the pre-assumption that the person actually has been and is her boyfriend now... 有话想说   (18 bytes , 196reads )
recently came across a sentence in a show panther   (376 bytes , 197reads )
millions of thanks! 美丽猪   (530 bytes , 189reads )