所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2004-09-16 22:28

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before you do anything just log off your msn and quit it first then save the pic in to your computer change the pic name as lvback.gif (exactly the same one ) then put the pic in your msn file the path is generally c:\\Program Files\\MSN Messenger then log on msn again see what will happen

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★如何打扮自己的MSN★ Fay   (721 bytes , 1207reads )
mine..too bad...lousy... ajsux   (64 bytes , 267reads )
you should adjust your pic size Fay   (0 bytes , 211reads )
偶大一的时候就会了... 流氓兔兔   (26 bytes , 286reads )
真的也 simomo   (4 bytes , 214reads )
俺的图怎么在上面?不像姐姐这么好看? 重庆小痞   (10 bytes , 224reads )
能具体点吗?偶没有弄好:( calvin   (0 bytes , 191reads )
随便找一张图片用paint修改大小后另存为lvback并且选择文件类型为gif即可 请填写以下部分   (0 bytes , 293reads )
example Fay   (382 bytes , 368reads )
哈哈,你的提示有误导作用啊,俺一开始也总是直接把整个文件名改成lvback.gif了 请填写以下部分   (0 bytes , 274reads )
非gif文件像你那样改名就不行啊,若是本身gif后面就不用加.gif了! 请填写以下部分   (0 bytes , 223reads )
在多发几幅图图。。跟上边的做法一样。。 Fay   (1020 bytes , 395reads )