Simple elimination:
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2004-06-23 04:31

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

Init: {HA, HQ, H4, SJ, S8, S4, S2, S7, S3, CK, CQ, C5, C5, C6, DA, D5}

1. P: 我不知道这张牌。

S2, S3, C6, S7, S8, SJ, CK are eliminated. (If not, P will know it as there numbers have single appearance)


{HA, HQ, H4, S4, CQ, C4, DA, D5}

2. Q:我知道你不知道着张牌。

S4, CQ, C4 are eliminated (If not, Q will not know P don't know it as only Spade and Club have those who have single appearance)


{HA, HQ, H4, DA, D5}

3. P:现在我知道这张牌了。

HA, DA are eliminiated (If not, P will not able to know it as A have appearance for both Heart and Diamond)

Pool: {HQ, H4, D5}

4. Q:我也知道了。

HQ, H4 are eliminated (If not, Q will not know it as only diamond have only one appearance now.)

Answer: Diamond 5

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