Talk to me
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2004-05-19 17:00

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Talk to me.............

Tell me your name
You blow me off like it's all the same
You lit a fuse and now I'm ticking away
Like a bomb
Yeah, Baby

Talk to me
Tell me your sign
You're switching sides like a Gemini
You're playing games and now you're hittin' my
Like a drum
Yeah, Baby

Well if Lady Luck gets on my side
We're gonna rock this town alive
I'll let her rough me up
Till she knocks me out
She walks like she talks,
And she talks like she walks

And she bangs, she bangs
Oh baby
When she moves, she moves
I go crazy
'Cause she looks like a flower but she stings
like a bee
Like every girl in history
She bangs, she bangs
I'm wasted by the way she moves
No one ever looked so fine
She reminds me that a woman only got one thing on her mind

Talk to me
Tell me your name
I'm just a link in your daisy chain
Your rap sounds like a diamond
Map to the stars
Yeah, Baby

Talk to me
Tell me the news
You wear me out like a pair of shoes
We'll dance until the band goes home
Then you're gone
Yeah, Baby

Well if it looks like love should be a crime
You'd better lock me up for life
I'll do the time with a smile on my face
Thinking of her in her leather and lace

Well if Lady Luck gets on my side
We're gonna rock this town alive
I'll let her rough me up
Till she knocks me out
She walks like she talks,
And she talks like she walks

she bangs, she bangs
Oh baby
When she moves, she moves
I go crazy
'Cause she looks like a flower but she stings
like a bee
Like every girl in history
She bangs, she bangs

I'm wasted by the way she moves
No one ever looked so fine
She reminds me that a woman only got one thing on her mind

You may say I'm a dreamer
but I'm not the only one...
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
心痛的样子 lemonia   (1863 bytes , 2255reads )
只要你觉得值得! 心碎了无痕   (428 bytes , 201reads )
爱了就不要悔! fool   (16 bytes , 127reads )
为自己活一次. angel_tear   (433 bytes , 224reads )
。。。。 @@@###   (4 bytes , 145reads )
Talk to me simon   (1656 bytes , 332reads )
I will survive simon   (1356 bytes , 243reads )
按照人口比例,一个女人应该拥有1.2个男人噢^_^ zizi   (0 bytes , 196reads )
那么说的话11个人组成一个大家庭也不错,嘻嘻 帝释天   (17 bytes , 202reads )
男人多半是色狼^_^ zizi   (0 bytes , 128reads )
而他是一只聪明的色狼 陆冲   (108 bytes , 192reads )
如果保存肉体完整性的话 flu   (168 bytes , 238reads )
我还以为你是他。 @@@###   (34 bytes , 186reads )
一起鄙视那小子 啸傲苍生   (204 bytes , 292reads )
大哥。。。交个朋友吧。。。以后打架也有个照应! 圣子道   (0 bytes , 187reads )
的确值得..... 陆冲   (24 bytes , 149reads )
你又出来了。。。。 @@@###   (8 bytes , 180reads )
可我不是一个受欢迎的人,呵呵 啸傲苍生   (23 bytes , 197reads )
呵呵,不认得 @@@###   (0 bytes , 141reads )
够野。。够义气。。可是事实上你弄断过几个人的腿呢? Voyage   (28 bytes , 238reads )
1个而已 啸傲苍生   (54 bytes , 188reads )
赫赫。。。他可不是说假话的。。。 watercooler   (0 bytes , 132reads )
呵呵@_@ 啸傲苍生   (54 bytes , 173reads )
说的好 狂顶!!! 圣子道   (0 bytes , 164reads )
没有过不去的槛, 放心吧。。。 watercooler   (44 bytes , 202reads )
如果只是因为父母之命也没什么好抱怨的吧 西蜀霸王   (22 bytes , 199reads )
小妹妹,进来. 云想霓裳   (714 bytes , 399reads )
"这个世界上谁都不是离开了谁就活不下去的"坚信这句话!!! Qooo   (0 bytes , 211reads )
同意。当年我就是用这句让两个人活下来的。 千万别信   (0 bytes , 189reads )
人一天晚上要作很多梦,但是醒来之后能记住的只有最后一个 话话   (40 bytes , 222reads )
经常吃安眠药不好的。。 辰星   (0 bytes , 142reads )
是您把他灌的。。。 MrDJay   (91 bytes , 311reads )
很同意 啸傲苍生   (84 bytes , 224reads )
有种说法是女生要选爱自己胜过自己爱的人 simon   (0 bytes , 159reads )
可惜这种女生不多 帝释天   (48 bytes , 176reads )
顶这句话.......... 帝释天   (34 bytes , 218reads )
爱情是两个人的事,一头热只会伤了自己. littlesheep   (42 bytes , 201reads )
有必要吗?长痛不如短痛。。。。 sami   (0 bytes , 158reads )
他太欠贬了。。 小蹦   (28 bytes , 250reads )
我也觉得他欠扁。。。我们一起揍他吧!!! 圣子道   (0 bytes , 185reads )
T_T 小蹦   (42 bytes , 160reads )
他是我第一个男朋友。。又3年了。。。太留恋。。。 lemonia   (0 bytes , 220reads )
人一天晚上要作很多梦,但是醒来之后能记住的只有最后一个 话话   (0 bytes , 186reads )
她是我第一个女朋友...又10年了...太留恋... 江南渔夫   (177 bytes , 340reads )
留恋而已,你并不是爱他,你只是懦弱,不愿意改变。 sarah   (0 bytes , 180reads )
见到很多对儿因为不能跟国内的 小蹦   (467 bytes , 369reads )
哇。见解很独到... watercooler   (22 bytes , 254reads )
心痛了就会觉悟的。。。 fantasy   (0 bytes , 182reads )
我太懦弱。。 lemonia   (0 bytes , 153reads )
那就学会接受,甘愿不抱怨 fantasy   (0 bytes , 172reads )
. 。o 0 O ( ) ) ( 冒泡 materialist   (0 bytes , 143reads )