美籍华人rap battle冠军JIN tha MC,出MV了!
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2004-01-07 04:05  评分:

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请在以下URL收看 mms://gcrod9.streamos.com/7/virg001/jin/video/learn_chinese/learn_chinese_300.asf +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Way before reality-tv shows, mp3 downloading or Air Force Ones existed a star named Jin was born. A superstar...but more on that later. On June 4th, 1982 in Miami, Florida Jin came into this world. Son of April and Joe Au-Yeung, hardworking middle class folks that immigrated to the U.S. to provide a better life for their family, Jin learned about the struggles of the "everyday Joe". No pun intended. While he was at school being a class clown his parents worked hard day and night at their chinese restaurant to put food on the table at home. As bright and well spoken as he comes across now Jin was never the renown scholar. Apparently, he was more concerned with rocking the latest kicks than handing in his english paper on time. However he did manage to graduate on time with the Class of 2000. Yes..after massive catching up and excess summer school work Jin walked proudly up the podium..square hat and all. After highschool Jin had some major life decisions he had to make. While his classmates were filling out college applications and mastering the SATs Jin set his priorities on something a little more grandeur... (Flashback) ...It was in the 6th grade when Jin discovered HIPHOP. When his young ears got exposed to the sound of LL Cool J's "Momma Said Knock You Out" Jin knew that he was hooked on the explosive sound. As his passion for new hiphop joints developed so did his interest in mcing. Next thing you know he ended up becoming notorious for being that "Chinese kid that be freestyling and battling all the time" throughout his jr.high and highschool career. Furthermore, he also started to attend alot more open mics and organized mc battles. By the age of 17, Jin knew that he was destined to do what he loves for a living..rhyming. When Jin knew that he wanted to pursue his passion for writing and performing as a occupation he knew there was some serious moves to be made. Not immune to the harsh realities of the industry realm, Jin has dealt with his fair share of dealing with false promises and being sold pipe dreams that have become custom in his line of work. One might call it paying dues. When he noticed things were looking dim for him in his hometown of 20 years..Jin planned a trip up north. For family reasons mainly, but beyond that.."if youre guna make it anywhere in the music biz..it might as well be ny." So while Jin was still doing his open mic runs and smashing down battles all over the NY circuit he met his manager one day by chance in a street cipher. Amazed by Jin's witty lines and charismatic approach to rhyming, Kamel (of Crafty Plugz) took Jin under his wing and together they strategized their attack plan on the rap world. First target: 106 and Park. Freestyle Friday...and so their journey begins. (Back to Present) ...Since that fateful meeting in the Village with K that day, Jin has not only become one of the elite mcs to be inducted into the 106 and Park Freestyle Friday Hall of Fame for winning 7 weeks in a row, but he has also landed himself a record deal with the RuffRyders. You might've heard of some of their previous acts. DMX. Eve. Jadakiss...just to name a few. With the BET appearances Jin has set the foundations for one day becoming a household name across the globe. Since then he's been touring the country doing shows which is almost unheard of..considering he has no single out or anything of that sort. He's also been in the lab heavily focused on his debut album.However, it doesn't stop there. Not content with just doing music he's also managed to work his way into the movie world by securing a role in the upcoming John Singleton directed Too Fast Too Furious (sequel to The Fast and the Furious). Damn. This is a long Bio. Written By:. Me. Jin. Thanks

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