the best way to avoid this is to talk less,
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2003-04-14 02:41

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
especially via phone. as when u both use phone too often, sometimes u will feel facinating without any pre-notice, and also sometimes, u are in fact not so willing to talk at that point of time, of course there are also many other reasons, like u are playing games. and at those time above, u are very likely to speak out some careless words, which may hurt ur Gal. but on the other hand, u gal may be also a bit easy to get angry, but anyway, u have to bear with this, espicially she is not with u now. u know gal like to imagine what u r doing, sometimes may even ask u too much on what u have done, r doing so that perhaps u eventually get bored. but must be careful, this is the time u have to bear with her. as once u appear anything usual, she may think or confirm that u have got sth hidding behind her! so...u know..just...non-stop urguing...sigh!

but for u this case, the only that can say is that "dun worry!". so long as u confirm that she loves u very much, then millians of little quarrels are also small cake! of course, i say little quarrel, not the big affair like u are dating some other gals behind ur gal... so dun worry, tomoro, call her again! gentelly, softly, mindly to apologize, of course, no matter u were rite or not, u still have to apologize, as u said "u love her!", rite!

hahaa! take it easy! not a big deal! but one thing i agree with u: quarrel due to some non-sense is really making us feel 烦,but no way to avoid, this is just realy life. we are all ordinary ppl, what can we do for this? sigh! i guess when we were younger, we all always thought that we would have a very ideal life, perhaps just like those in the movie! however, i'm sure that all the ppl who have had or having boy/gal friend may feel that quarrel is just so ordinary too. its unit may be per day! hahah.. dun scare u lah...

lastly, if anyone find a way to avoid quarrle btw boy and gal friends, pls let me know! i have been seeking this for long time!


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