are you clear what i've said?
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2003-03-27 20:37

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

i never said that if a chinese guy or girl engaged in a foreigh love he/she should be blamed.

love is the most precious thing in the world no matter what race, nationality, language, culture(sometimes even gender) the two ppl are in.

but from his post, can you see that he have mentioned "love" anywhere? the reason he wanted to "find" a chinese girl is to avoid other ppl's saying blar blar blar. he thought the girl he wanted to talk to/watch movie with should accept his invitation gladly without but suggesting any excuses. walao, he ever thought as the girl's side? why must she accept him? does him know what is love?

as i said, you can like the life you're living, and you can live the life you like. but you have no right to interrupt others'. the ppl like him is even worth than rubhish, i dont wanna talk about him any more.....

and you, pls read both posts carefully and then give out your opinion, thx for reading, thx

wechat id:guozibaer
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